A Consortium led by the Chemical and Allied Industries:
Creating Innovation Alliances for Business Growth
Submission deadline for presentations is June 5, 2015!
The Electrochemical Society is a partner on a grant awarded to the Ohio University Center for Electrochemical Research (CEER) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to facilitate the development of an Advanced Technology Roadmap focused on Electrochemical Pathways for Sustainable Manufacturing (EPSuM) with industrial company leadership. The goal of the roadmap is to establish an industry consortium to support, sustain, and enhance U.S. manufacturing capacity in the nation’s chemical industry and allied sectors through innovative electrochemical processes. Under the NIST Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program, the award will specifically support a roadmapping activity that could lead to funding to implement identified solutions.
We are working with Professor Gerri Botte, Center Director and Lisa Rooney, Industry Liaison at CEER to encourage participation in the roadmap process. Attached is a Call for Presenters for an Innovation Workshop in July. Due to the timelines for developing the roadmap, there is a short window to submit your application. Therefore, we have prepared a streamlined application that you can find here.