SanDiego_2016_homeWith our 228th meeting in Phoenix just completed, ECS is calling for abstract submissions for our 229th meeting in San Diego, California. By submitting an abstract, you have the opportunity to present a paper or participate in a poster session and are eligible to apply for a division-sponsored travel grant. Travel grants are intended is to assist students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals with the travel costs of attending an ECS biannual meeting. These grants are specific to each division.

How to submit an abstract:

To submit your abstract for the 229th meeting in San Diego, please visit here.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is DECEMBER 11, 2015.

How to apply for a travel grant:

Apply for a travel grant after submitting your abstract by visiting

The deadline for travel grant submissions for the San Diego meeting is FEBRUARY 12, 2016. 

If you have any additional questions please contact


Poster session winners Andrew Akbashev, Axel Gambou-Bosca, Andrew Durney

How to enter the General Poster Session:

Students are eligible for the biannual meeting general student poster awards by submitting their abstract to the Z01- General Society Student Poster Session. To submit your abstract for the San Diego meeting, please visit and then scroll to the “Z-General Topics” section.


Why Students Join ECS!


Top 30* includes student chapters such as the Research Triangle Student Chapter. Officers include Isvar Cordova, Dominica H. C. Wong, James Daubert, and Marty Dufficy.

“I joined ECS because of its reputation in the field of electrochemistry and its focus on supporting its members. While a member of ECS, I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with experts in the field of electrochemistry that I would not have been able to do if I was not an ECS member. ECS provides opportunities for students to not only interact with local electrochemists, but to also travel to international meetings to meet and talk with experts in the field.”

James Daubert, PhD student
North Carolina State University

ECS staff recently analyzed membership data to determine which universities had the greatest presence within the society. Here is what we discovered:

 Top 30* Universities by ECS Student Members

Rank University Number of Students Country ECS Student Chapter
1 University of Virginia 32 United States Yes
2 Colorado School of Mines 30 United States Yes
3 University of Arkansas 29 United States Yes
4 University of Maryland 26 United States Yes
5 Illinois Institute of Technology 20 United States Yes
6 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 19 United States No
7 Case Western Reserve University 17 United States Yes
8 University of Calgary 16 Canada Yes


4 New Job Postings in Electrochemistry

Job GraphicECS’s job board keeps you up-to-date with the latest career opportunities in electrochemical and solid state science. Check out the latest openings that have been added to the board.

P.S. Employers can post open positions for free!

Electrolyte Scientist
Envia Systems – Newark, California
Envia Systems is looking for a highly motivated and creative scientist for synthesis and characterization of novel electrolytes for lithium ion batteries.


cananda-call1On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to draw your attention to the ECS Canada Section Meeting & Surface Canada 2015 that will be held this spring in
Saskatoon from May 19-22, 2015.

canada-call2The ECS Canada Section meeting will be a one-day event on May 19 and includes a plenary lecture by Nenad Markovic from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.

The Surface Canada meeting begins the following day on May 20 and includes invited talks from electrochemists Christa Brosseau (Saint Mary’s) and Steen Schougaard (UQAM).

Further details on both events can be found here.

The two conferences are running in conjunction and a discounted registration fee is offered to attendees who register for both events. Student participation is encouraged.

Hopefully we will see you in Saskatoon!

Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The 2014 Outstanding Student Chapter Award Plaque with Prof. Arumugam Manthiram (front left) with UT-Austin Student Chapter President (Josephine Cunningham, front middle) and Vice-President (Donald Robinson, front right) and student members Matthew West, Daeil Yoon, Ke-Yu Lai, and Benjamin Weaver (back left to right).

The 2014 Outstanding Student Chapter Award Plaque with Prof. Arumugam Manthiram (front left) with UT-Austin Student Chapter President (Josephine Cunningham, front middle) and Vice-President (Donald Robinson, front right) and student members Matthew West, Daeil Yoon, Ke-Yu Lai, and Benjamin Weaver (back left to right).

Submission deadline is March 31st for the ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award.

Up to three winners will be selected. One Outstanding Student Chapter will be selected with the winner receiving $1,000, and recognition with a plaque and chapter group photo in  Interface. One or two additional Student Chapters may be selected as runners-up, and designated as Chapters of Excellence. Find out more.

The 2014 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award recipient was The University of Texas at Austin. Founded in 2007, The University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter has provided an interdisciplinary forum for students from different branches of the physical sciences and engineering to meet and discuss emerging ideas about electrochemistry and solid state sciences.

Led by faculty advisor Arumugam Manthiram and Chapter President Josephine Cunningham, the UT Austin Student Chapter has worked on improving the lives of the students and community in the Austin, TX area through outreach programs and organized seminars.


Posted in Awards, Students

ECS Arizona Section Meets


The Arizona Section welcomed members of the Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona) student chapter. ECS has a number of student chapters, which provide a venue to learn more about electrochemical and solid-state sciences.

The winter/spring meeting of the Arizona Section of ECS was held on January 26, 2015 at the University of Arizona. A total of twenty faculty and students from the University of Arizona and Arizona State University attended the meeting.

After a brief networking reception, Professor Srini Raghavan, Vice-Chair of the Arizona Section, introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Dr. Robert Savinell, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Following a brief description of the activities of ECS, Dr. Savinell gave a very informative talk: Iron-Based Flow Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage.

Find out more about the Arizona Section.

ECS’s Energy Technology Division has presented three distinguished student awards to be accepted at the 227th ECS Meeting this May in Chicago, IL.

The Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award will be presented to William Mustain of the University of Connecticut.

mustain-photoWilliam Mustain earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2006, followed by two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in ECS President Paul Kohl’s research group at Georgia Tech. He went on to join the Department of Chemical & Bimolecular Engineering gat the University of Connecticut in 2008.

Over the past twelve years, Prof. Mustain has worked in several areas related to electrochemical energy generation and storage, including: catalysts and supports for proton exchange membrane and anion exchange membrane fuel cells and electrolyzers, high capacity materials for Li-ion batteries, the purposeful use of carbonates in low temperature electrochemical systems, and the electrochemical conversion and utilizations of methane and CO2.

Take a peak at his award address, “Near Room Temperature Conversion of Methane to Methanol.”

The Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award was established in 2011 to recognize and reward an outstanding young researcher in the field of energy technology.


Wind- and Solar-Powered Car Created from Scraps

Casey Emilius, ECS’s Meetings Coordinator, spotted an article in Inhabitat on an amazing feat in student ingenuity out of Nigeria.

College student Segun Oyeyiola has transformed a Volkswagen Beetle into a wind- and solar- powered car with just $6,000. By using mostly scrap parts donated by friends and family, Oyeyiola was able to keep costs down and skyrocket the renewable efficiency of the car.

The car is fortified by a strong suspension system to hold the weight of the solar panel on the roof and the wind turbine under the hood – which takes advantage of the airflow produced by the car while it’s in motion.


Metrohm Announces Young Chemist Award Winner

MetrohmMetrohm USA and Metrohm Canada have announced Chad Atkins as the winner of the 2015 Young Chemist Award for his research in Raman spectroscopy to assess the degradation of stored red blood cells.

Atkins is currently completing his Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia where he works under the supervision of Robin Turner and Michael Blades. Here, he conducts his research in red blood cells to confirm viability prior to transfusion, which leads to a more successful patient outcome.

This is the third year Metrohm USA and Metrohm Canada have awarded the $10,000 Young Chemist Award.

“Metrohm has a history of giving back to the scientific community,” said Edward Colihan, President & CEO of Metrohm USA. “This year we saw a record number of applications for this award, demonstrating ingenuity and a passion for solving very practical problems. We are proud to support the next generation of scientists.”

Atkins will present a short overview of his work at Metrohm’s press conference at Pittcon 2015 in New Orleans. Take a look at his abstract.

The Young Chemist Award is open to all graduate, post-graduate and doctorate students residing and studying in the U.S. and Canada, who are performing novel research in the fields of titration, ion chromatography, spectroscopy and electrochemistry. For more details, click here.

ECS IE&EE Division Student Awards

ECS’s Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division (IE&EE) has presented two distinguished student awards to be accepted at the 227th ECS Meeting this May in Chicago, IL.
HasaniSadrabadi-blogThe IE&EE Student Achievement Award will be presented to Mohammad Mahdi Hasani-Sadrabadi of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Hasani-Sadrabadi is currently a graduate researcher studying bioengineering at Georgia Tech. Aside from his current studies, Hasani-Sadrabadi spent time at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, where he developed microfluidic platforms for controlled synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles. In 2007, he began his research on fuel cells while at Amirkabir University of Technology. He continued to establish the Biologically-Inspired Developing Advanced Research (BiDAR) group as an international collaborative research time. His main research area of interest is the development of bio-inspired nanomaterials for energy and biomedical applications. Take a peek at Hasani-Sadrabadi’s award address: “Anhydrous High-Proton Conductor Based on Ionic Nanopeapods.”

The IE&EE Student Achievement Award was established in 1989 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical engineering and to encourage participants to initiate careers in this field. (more…)

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