4 New Job Postings in Electrochemistry

Find openings in your area via the ECS job board.

Find openings in your area via the ECS job board.

ECS’s job board keeps you up-to-date with the latest career opportunities in electrochemical and solid state science. Check out the latest openings that have been added to the board.

P.S. Employers can post open positions for free!

Post Doc (NIR/EIS)
Irstea – Montpellier, France
This Post Doc is integrated to a binational project, NEXT. The goal of this project is to investigate the in-line and real-time use of novel holistic sludge descriptors to measure, monitor, model and predict sludge behaviour through sludge treatment processes and use this knowledge for the optimization of design and operation of treatment processes. It will lean on previous works developed by two Irstea teams (on the one hand on organic fluids characterisation based on electrical measurements and rheology and on the other hand on near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy on turbid fluids and soils).


2014 ECS Summer Fellowship Reports

ECS logoEach year ECS awards up to five Summer Fellowships to assist students in continuing their graduate work during the summer months in a field of interest to the Society. Congratulations to the five Summer Fellowship recipients for 2014. The Society thanks the Summer Fellowship Committee for their work in reviewing the applications and selecting five excellent recipients. Applications for the 2015 Summer Fellowships are due January 15, 2015.

Get more information here.


Congratulations Graduates!


Congratulations to all graduating ECS student members!
Photo from the Student Mixer at the ECS 225th Meeting in Orlando, Florida.

All of us at ECS wish our graduating student members the best on their December commencement!

Seeking employment? Check out the ECS Redcat Job Board for current opportunities.

Changing jobs or moving? We want to know where you are going next! Don’t forget to log into your ECS account and submit a change request for your information.

Any questions or need assistance? Reach out to us at customerservice@electrochem.org.

Happy Holidays!

Member Spotlight – Telpriore “Greg” Tucker

Tucker, a six year ECS member, aims to develop future transportation that is sustainable and fun to use.Credit: Arizona State University

Tucker aims to develop transportation that is sustainable and fun to use.
Credit: Arizona State University

Hard-work and perseverance have paid off for The Electrochemical Society’s Telpriore “Greg” Tucker. From chemist, to mentor, to entrepreneur—the Arizona State University doctoral graduate aims to make an impact in renewable energy and transportation.

With his new degree in hand, Tucker plans to revisit his business plans for The Southwest Battery Bike Company, which focuses on developing electric bicycles that can provide a more affordable and greener source of transportation.

“I’ve always had an interest in transportation and how to make it more affordable and sustainable for the public,” Tucker says. “Since my degree focuses on batteries for renewable energy purposes, I began to see a lot of applications from my research. Some of the best jobs can spring from your hobby or projects that you enjoy doing.”


Become a NeXXt Scholar Today

The NeXXt Scholars Program was launched by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in December 2011.

The New York Academy of Sciences in partnership with the U.S. Department of State and a consortium of 38 women’s colleges launched the NeXXt Scholars Program, now entering its third year, to help engage and advance American women and women from countries with predominantly Muslim populations in pursuit of undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) academic fields. In order to accomplish this goal, the Academy will provide partnership, mentorship, and networking support for these NeXXt Scholars by way of a STEM Fellow who will serve as a one-to-one mentor.

Applications for 2014 STEM Fellow positions are being accepted until September 20th.

Find more information or submit an application today.

ECS is also proud to provide students with excellent opportunities in electrochemical and solid state science and technology. Network at the Society’s meetings or become a member to receive even greater benefits.

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