Georgia Section Outstanding Student Achievement Award

Nomination deadline: August 15, annually 
Presented: ECS Georgia Section meeting, annually

The Georgia Section Outstanding Student Achievement Award was established in 2011 to recognize academic accomplishments in any area of science or engineering in which electrochemical and/or solid state science and technology is the central consideration.
Recipient qualifications

The recipient is:

  • Student pursuing a PhD at a university within the ECS Georgia Section region;

  • Enrolled in a university within the section for the full year in which the nomination is made and awarded as a full-time graduate student;

  • ECS member at the time of the nomination.

Nomination Submissions

Candidates are nominated by university faculty members.

The complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Curriculum vitae listing publications, work experiences, date of previous degrees, and expected graduation date; 
  • Letter of recommendation from the nominating professor outlining the student’s strengths and weaknesses and answering the question: “Why are you singling out this student for the award?”
  • Copies of university transcripts are not required as the criterion for nomination is the excellence of the student’s research accomplishments;
  • A brief (one to two double-spaced typed pages) outline of the proposed and completed research project, written by the student;
  • If the student has written journal papers, a copy of two of the student’s journal reprints or preprints.

The award consists of a USD $500 prize.

Recipient obligations

The recipient may be requested to speak at the ECS Georgia Section meeting where the award is presented, on a subject of major interest to them in the field of electrochemical and/or solid state science and technology.


Contact with questions or for more information.

Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.


2012 – 2024  
Kelsey Anne Cavallaro (2024)
Habin Park (2023)
Fengyi Zhao (2023)
Jung Fang (2020)
Yamin Zhang (2020)
Johanna Karolina Stark (2014)
Kara Evanoff (2013)
Matthew Lynch (2012)