Nomination period: October 15, odd years – January 15, even years
Presented: ECS spring meeting, odd years
The ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award was created in 1981 to encourage excellence in physical electrochemistry research and to stimulate publication of high quality research papers in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES).
Eligibility criteria
- Current and active ECS members who have made recent outstanding scientific contributions to physical electrochemistry;
- For the purposes of this award, “currently active” is measured by publication of more than one paper in JES and attendance at more than one Society meeting as an ECS within the previous five years.
Nomination guidelines
A complete nomination packet includes:
- Completed electronic nomination form;
- Nomination letter;
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV) that includes a record of achievements (e.g., publications, technical presentations, patents, etc.);
- List of nominee’s key published or accepted paper(s) in an ECS journal;
- Letters of support (minimum of two, maximum of five)
Unsuccessful nominations are automatically considered for one additional award cycle. Renomination is permitted.
ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division David C. Grahame Award Committee members may not submit a nomination or letters of support during their term of service on the committee.
The award consists of:
- Scroll;
- USD $1,500 prize.
If the award is made jointly to two or more co-recipients, each co-recipient receives a scroll and prize for an amount determined by the ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division.
Recipient obligations
The award recipient presents a lecture at the ECS PAE Division’s general session or a division-sponsored symposium at the Society’s spring meeting when the award is given.
About David C. Grahame
David C. Grahame was a pioneering American physical chemist and professor at Amherst College. Prof. Grahame is well known for the ground-breaking 1947 paper, “The Electrical Double Layer and the Theory of Electrocapillarity,” which outlined the fundamental principles that govern electrical double-layer formation at metal-solution interfaces.
For more information or questions, contact
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