Saman Hosseinpour was born in 1981 in Iran. He finished his BA and MA degrees in material science and engineering with the focus on surface science in Iran. In 2006, he became a faculty member of the Department of Material Science at Azad University. He has previously worked on the first Iranian telecommunication satellite and in 2008 he received the International Khawrizmi’s Award (the most prestigious scientific award in the Middle East) and ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization) prize for the research and development in the aircraft industry for a project entitled “Honeycomb seals for jet engines.”
In 2009 he moved to Christofer Leygraf’s labs in Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden to work on atmospheric corrosion of copper as a PhD student. After finishing his PhD in 2013 he moved to Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany as a postdoc researcher to work with Mischa Bonn and Ellen Backus on molecular aspects of water splitting on TiO2 using pump-probe vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy.
Hosseinpour has presented his research in more than 20 journal papers and scientific conferences and authored three books in the fields of material science, surface engineering, and corrosion.