Industrial Electrochemistry & Electrochemical Engineering Division Ralph E. White Outstanding Student Award

Nomination period: March 15 – June 15, annually
Presented: Spring ECS meeting, annually

Ralph E. White

Ralph E. White

The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division established the Ralph E. White Outstanding Student Award in 2022 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists in the field of modeling and simulation of electrochemical systems and encourage recipients to continue careers in electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. The award honors Dr. Ralph E. White’s contributions to the field of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of electrochemical systems, and training of graduate students in the field.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible recipients are:

  • Enrolled in a college or university as a graduate student or accepted for enrollment;
  • Current ECS members.

Students are particularly encouraged to apply who have contributed to:

  • Model development;
  • Algorithm development;
  • Efficient numerical simulation of electrochemical systems in different length and timescales for industrial applications;
  • Fundamental mechanisms in electrochemical systems.
Nomination guidelines

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Transcripts of all post-secondary school academic work;
  • Description of the research project to be undertaken in the next year (no longer than two double-spaced typewritten pages);
  • Statement describing the project’s relationship to the field of electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry (no longer than two double-spaced typewritten pages);
  • Biography, resume or curriculum vitae;
  • Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s research supervisor.

Unsuccessful nominations are considered for one additional award cycle if the nominee continues to meet the required qualifications.

Recipient obligations

The award recipient:

  • Submits to the IE&EE Division Chair a written summary of the research accomplished during the award year;
  • Is invited, but not required to present an award talk at the Society’s spring meeting.

The award consists of:

  • Certificate;
  • USD $1,000 for expenses associated with the recipient’s education or research project (tuition, books, equipment, or supplies).

Up to two recipients may be selected each year, in which case both receive certificates and the full prize amount.

Award funding

The award is funded through generous donations by Dr. White’s current and former students and colleagues. Contributions are welcome and can be made through the ECS website Online Store (login required).

About Ralph E. White

Ralph E. White is Professor of Chemical Engineering and Westinghouse Distinguished Scientist at the University of South Carolina (USC). Prof. White received a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1977 under John Newman’s direction. Teaching at Texas A&M University from 1977-1993, Prof. White then spent seven years USC as Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering, then Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing for five years. In 1995, Prof. White founded the USC Center for Electrochemical Engineering.


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