Nomination period: January 1 – December 31, even years
Presented: Section meeting, odd years
The Canada Section W. Lash Miller Award was established in 1967 to recognize excellence in publications and/or technical contributions in the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology.
Eligibility criteria
The recipient:
- Demonstrates independent research in academia, industry or governmental laboratories in the areas of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology;
- Canada resident who has obtained their last advanced education degree no more than 15 years before the year of the award;
- ECS membership is not a requirement.
Nomination guidelines
Candidates must be nominated by at least one (1) ECS member.
The complete nomination package includes:
- Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
- Personal information about the candidate: Name, DOB, address, profession, affiliation, and title;
- Summary statement of one (1) page or less, setting out clearly the main reason why, in the opinion of the nominators, the candidate should be considered for the award. This statement should refer to the originality, usefulness, or other merit of the work of the candidate;
- Detailed statement setting forth all the information which, in the nominator’s opinion, the award committee should have in order to appraise the qualifications of the candidate. This is expected to include the following:
- Brief description of the more important works and the significance of the resultant contributions to electrochemical science and technology or to solid science and technology;
- List of publications, both in technical and in patent literature;
- List of the more significant unpublished internal reports;
- Professional experience in academic, government, and industry areas;
- Membership and activities in professional societies;
- Academic record: University attendance, degrees, awards;
- Other professional awards received;
- Up to three (3) reference letters.
Nominations are for one (1) award cycle; unsuccessful nominees can be renominated.
The award consists of a C$1,000 prize.
Recipient obligations
At the designated ECS Canada Section meeting where the award is recognized, the recipient is obliged to present a lecture on a subject of major interest to them in the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology.
About W. Lash Miller
William Lash Miller was head of the Chemistry Department at the University of Toronto for 16 years. The eminent Canadian chemist was best known as one of the first proponents of Gibbsian thermodynamics in North America. Prof. Miller first became acquainted with the subject in Wilhelm Ostwald’s laboratory in Germany. Named Commander of the British Empire in 1935, Prof. Miller was an active ECS member and served as President from 1912-1913.
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Shuhui Sun (2023)
Fiorenzo Vetrone (2021)
Edouard Asselin (2019)
Yurij Mozharivskyj (2017)
Federico Rosei (2015)
Hua-Zhong (Hogan) Yu (2011)
Aicheng Chen (2009)
Jamie Noel (2003)
Daniel Bizzotto (2001)
Alireza Zolfaghari-Hesari (1999)
J. Dahn (1993)
J. Bardwell (1991)
K. Tomantscher (1989) D. Leaist (1989) S. Das Gupta (1987)
V. I. Birss (1985)
A. Belanger (1983)
D. W. Shoesmith (1981)
B. MacDougall (1979)
W. A. Adams (1977)
A. J. SpringThorpe (1977)
W. R. Fawcett (1975)
A. K. Vijh (1973)
J. E. Desnoyers (1971)
J. L. Ord (1969)