Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry

Nomination period: October 15, even years – January 15, odd years
Presented: ECS fall meeting, even years

The ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry was established in 1984 to recognize excellence in the field and to stimulate the publication of high quality research papers in this area in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Contributions from ARCO Metals Company and the Aluminum Company of America, and, subsequently, Princeton Applied Research, funded the award.

Eligibility criteria
  • Recipients are scientists working in molten salt and ionic liquid chemistry with significant contribution(s) to this area.
  • ECS membership is not a requirement.
Nomination guidelines

A complete nomination packet includes:

  • Completed nomination form;
  • Nominee curriculum vitae (CV) that includes a record of achievements (e.g., publications, technical presentations, patents, etc.);
  • List of nominee’s key published or accepted paper(s) in an ECS Journal;
  • Summary of nominee qualifications that serve as basis for the award (max of 5000 characters);
  • Nomination Letter; and,
  • Letters of support (minimum of two, maximum of five).

Unsuccessful nominations are automatically considered for one additional award cycle. Renomination is permitted.

Members of the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division Max Bredig Award committee are not permitted to submit nominations or letters of support for the award during their term of service on the committee.


The award consists of:

  • Scroll;
  • USD $1,500.

If the award is made jointly to two or more co-recipients, each co-recipient receives a scroll and prize of an amount determined by the ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division.

Recipient obligations

The award recipient presents a lecture at the International Symposium on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids at the corresponding ECS meeting when the award is presented.

About Max Bredig

Max Albrecht Bredig was a physical chemist who studied the polymorphism of Ca2SiO4. He was an Associate Director of the Chemistry Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and expert in the chemistry of molten salts and chemistry of the solid state, especially high temperature and crystal chemistry. The mineral called Bredigite is named after him.


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Tom Welton
Sheng Dai
Robin Rogers
Masayoshi Watanabe
Charles Hussey
Derek Fray
C. Austen Angell
Bernard Gilbert
J. Wilkes

M. Gaune-Escard
G. N. Papatheodorou
Y. Ito
H. Oye
N. J. Bjerrum
G. Mamantov
R. A. Osteryoung
G. P. Smith
M. Blander