Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award (formerly The Gwendolyn B. Wood Section Excellence Award) was established in 2012 to recognize distinguished student chapters that demonstrate active participation in The Electrochemical Society’s technical activities, establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education, and create and maintain a robust membership base.

Nomination Deadline: April 15
Presented: Fall meeting

Recipient qualifications

The student chapter will be distinguished for contributions, activities and participation in areas that reflect the purposes or interests of The Electrochemical Society, and support the mission of ECS: to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects.

Up to three winners will be selected, with one being named the Outstanding Student Chapter and up to two being named Chapters of Excellence.


For the Outstanding Student Chapter, the award will consist of a recognition plaque, the sum of $1,000 US, and award recognition and chapter group photo in Interface or other electronic communications. For the Chapters of Excellence recipients, recognition certificates will be mailed, and recognition in Interface.

About Gwendolyn B. Wood

Gwendolyn B. Wood was an active ECS member having joined the Society in 1952 and served for many years as councilor for the National Capital Section. From 1972 to 1974, she was chairman of the Council of Sections while also serving on the Board of Directors.



Outstanding Student Chapter
University of Notre Dame

Chapters of Excellence
Texas Tech University
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Outstanding Student Chapter
Purdue University

Chapters of Excellence
University of Waterloo

Outstanding Student Chapter
Clarkson University

Chapters of Excellence
University of Waterloo, Purdue University

Outstanding Student Chapter
Yamagata University

Chapters of Excellence
Clarkson University
Montreal University

Outstanding Student Chapter
University of Calgary

Chapters of Excellence
Munich Student Chapter
Lewis University

Outstanding Student Chapter
University of Washington

Chapters of Excellence
Lewis University
University of Virginia

Outstanding Student Chapter
University of Maryland

Chapters of Excellence
Munich Student Chapter
University of Washington

Outstanding Student Chapter

University of South Carolina

Chapters of Excellence
University of Kentucky
University of Maryland

Outstanding Student Chapter

Indiana University

Chapters of Excellence
University of Virginia
University of Maryland

Outstanding Student Chapter
University of Texas at Austin

Chapters of Excellence
University of Maryland
Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona)

Outstanding Student Chapter
University of Maryland

Chapters of Excellence
Ohio University
University of Texas at Austin