IBA 2019 | San Diego, CA, March 3-8, 2019   Description Organizers, Chairs, & Editors Speakers & Attendees Online Abstract Submission Opens August 2018 Meeting Abstracts Due October 31, 2018 Organizers Complete Online Abstract Scheduling November 2-12, 2018 n/a Technical Program Schedules Due November 12, 2018 n/a Technical Program Final November 26, 2018 n/a Notification to Presenting Authors of Abstract Acceptance or Rejection November 30, 2018 Technical Program Published Online December 2018 Meeting Registration Opens November 15, 2018 Deadline for IBA Award...
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Hydro-Québec (an ECS institutional member) and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory have announced a breakthrough in the lithium-ion battery materials field, publishing their research results in the Journal of Power Sources. Using a cathode made with new high voltage safe materials, the researchers have achieved a world first: building a 1.2 Ah lithium-ion cell with a voltage of 5 V. “With the high voltage of this new cell, we can reach a very high energy density,” says Karim Zaghib, General Director…
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Deadline for Submitting Abstracts March 16, 2018 Submit today! Topic Close-up #4 Symposium A07: Battery Safety and Failure Modes Symposium Focus: Long life, high power, reliable and safe lithium-ion batteries are needed for new consumer electronics, vehicle and grid storage applications. Demands for increased battery functionality, makes the severity of a potential battery safety incident a growing risk for emerging lithium-ion battery technologies. The objective of this symposium is to address lithium-ion battery durability, reliability and safety from a materials…
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Nominations Deadline: March 15, 2018 The ECS honors and awards program promotes technical achievements in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. The program also recognizes exceptional service to the Society. Recognition opportunities exist in the following categories: Society awards, division awards and section awards. The ECS Battery Division is currently accepting nominations for four awards that will be recognized at AiMES 2018, a joint meeting between ECS and SMEQ in Cancun, Mexico from September 30 through October 4. Battery…
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Water-based rechargeable batteries could be one step closer to commercial viability, thanks to research from Empa. According to a new report, a team of researchers has successfully doubled the electrochemical stability of water with a special saline solution. Energy storage is the backbone of many technological innovations. As researchers explore new ways to develop low-cost, safe batteries, the research team from Empa is looking to water to function as a battery electrolyte. While a water-electrolyte offers many potential benefits such…
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