Be sure to read Prof. Rashmi Jha’s article, “Emerging Memory Devices Beyond Conventional Data Storage: Paving the Path for Energy-Efficient Brain-Inspired Computing,” in the spring 2023 issue of The Electrochemical Society Interface. The article aims to address “limitations of the memory bandwidth of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, and the necessity of novel computing architectures to overcome this limitation” (Jha, 2023). Rashmi Jha is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Cincinnati (UC). Her research…
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The Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Yijin Liu’s live webinar, “A micro-to-nano zoom through a real-world battery with x-ray vision,” on May 17, 2023. Dr. Liu took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. Kindly, he answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. See his responses below. NOTE: Registration is required to view the webinar.

Roozeboom Delivers Moore Medal Address on May 30 Pennington, NJ – The Electrochemical Society (ECS) honors Fred Roozeboom, Emeritus Professor in the Inorganic Membranes Group at Universiteit Twente, and consultant to high-tech industries, with the 2023 ECS Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology. He delivers his Award Address, “Moore’s Law Sustained by Non-Lithographic Technologies” at the 243rd ECS Meeting on May 30, 2023, at 0900h EDT, live at the Sheraton Boston, Room Fairfax A,…
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Vito Di Noto is featured guest speaker with presentations by NSF IUCRC Center Members The ECS New England Section is hosting the NSF IUCRC Center for Solid-state Electric Power Storage (CEPS)** and invites you to a special event on Wednesday, May 31, from 1400-1800h at the 243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII) in Boston, MA.  Date: Wednesday, May 31 Time: 1400-1800h ET Location: Sheraton Boston: Back Bay Ballroom B Registration: Registration for the…
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Register for Richard Laine’s May 10 presentation The ECS Detroit Section invites you to “Sustainable Battery Components from Rice Hull Ash (RHA),” presented by Professor Richard Laine at the Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America location on May 10, 2023, at 1800h ET. Student poster awards Students are encouraged to present posters. Up to three posters will be presented at the event. The first three students contacting the section at about presenting their work receive USD $100 and one…
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Dates and time subject to change For a full listing of social and technical events, click here Abbreviation Key HCC = Hynes Convention Center SB = Sheraton Boston Hotel HBB = Hilton Back Bay Hotel Registration HCC: Pre-function Hall A Saturday …………………… 1600-1900h Sunday …………………….. 0700-1900h Monday …………………….. 0700-1900h Tuesday…………………….. 0700-1730h Wednesday………………... 0700-1600h Thursday …………………... 0700-1600h ECS Members Reception* Sunday, 1800-1900h SB: Constitution Ballroom Join your community! ECS members gather before the Opening Reception to kick off the meeting and...
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Dielectric Science & Technology Division Thomas D. Callinan Award Tuesday, 1400h / Sheraton – Exeter 3rd floor Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics and Energy Applications by Chennupati Jagadish Chennupati Jagadish is Distinguished Professor and Head of the Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group at the Research School of Physics, Australian National University. He currently serves as President of the Australian Academy of Science and in the past served as President of the IEEE Photonics Society and Nanotechnology Council, and Australian Materials Research…
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Allen J. Bard Award Tuesday, 1410h / Hynes Convention Center – Room 202 Toward Electrochemical Energy Conversion Via Metal-Organic Framework Materials by Joseph Hupp Joseph Hupp is the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University. His research centers on energy- and defense-relevant materials chemistry, including design and synthesis of materials for chemical separations, chemical catalysis, electrocatalysis, light-to-electrical energy conversion, artificial photosynthesis, storage and release of molecular hydrogen, and capture and destruction of chemical warfare agents….
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Interested in electronics and photonics? Check out these exciting symposia focused exclusively on the topics, taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden, from October 8 – 12, 2023. Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023

The following are the biographies and statements of the candidates nominated for the annual ECS officers’ election, which takes place from January 15 through March 15, 2023. Candidate for President | Candidates for 3d Vice President