Thank you to the 243rd ECS Meeting with SOFC-XVIII symposia sponsors!   Gold Office of Naval Research I01—Low Temperature Water Electrolysis (LT-WE)  for H2 Production SOFC – 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC_XVIII) Bronze Toyota Research Institute of North America Wellcos Corporation A06—Solid State Batteries Envision Energy USA I01—Low Temperature Water Electrolysis (LT-WE)  for H2 Production Scribner Associates I01—Low Temperature Water Electrolysis (LT-WE)  for H2 Production Toho Titanium Co. Ltd. Z02— Electrochemical/Materials Processing for Space Engineering Contributing…
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COMING SUMMER 2024!  Since its inception in 1902, ECS has led the world in advancing the electrochemical and solid state sciences by publishing research, hosting technical meetings, fostering education, and collaborating with other organizations. ECS members include internationally recognized luminaries in battery research, from the Nobel Prize-winning inventors of the lithium ion battery to the highest-cited authors in “beyond lithium ion” research. With over a century of experience in delivering superior programming for researchers and academics, as well as representing...
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In 2022, ECS divisions and sections provided $106,295 in funding to assist students, postdocs, and early career researchers participate in ECS biannual meetings. We thank the ECS divisions and sections, as well as our generous donors who supported the biannual meeting travel grant program. Congratulations to the recipients of their support.

Congratulations to the students whose superior work won them presentation prizes at the recent 242nd ECS Meeting in Atlanta! Their robust research impressed symposia judges and is sure to impress you too. Thank you to all the participating authors.

ECS San Francisco Section Distinguished Seminar Series Register for the September 22 event! “Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) of lithium ion batteries: Role of additives and crossover reactions on stability and performance” Brett Lucht Professor of Chemistry University of Rhode Island  Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022 Time: 1000-1100h PST  Price: Free; the webinar is open to public. Format: Virtual via Zoom Sponsor: Toyota Research Institute of North America

Submission deadline: December 2, 2022 ECS is now accepting abstracts for the 243rd ECS Meeting with the 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVIII). The meeting runs from May 28-June 2, 2023, in Boston, MA, and features over 50 symposia in these areas:

Voting is now taking place for the position of ECS Sensor Division Treasurer. Biographical sketches and statements follow for the candidates nominated for the position. ECS division officers serve as volunteers. We urge all ECS Sensor Division members to take part in this important election! Voting is open from September 1 through September 29.

Voting is now taking place for the position of ECS Battery Division Treasurer. Biographical sketches and statements follow for the candidates nominated for the position. ECS division officers serve as volunteers. We urge all ECS Battery Division members to take part in this important election! Voting is open from September 1 through September 29.

Meet Professor Trisha L. Andrew at the 242nd ECS Meeting “Meet the Editors” event. Dr. Andrews is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She directs the Wearable Electronics Lab, a multi-disciplinary research team that creates electronic devices on unconventional substrates, such as textiles and living plants, using chemical vapor deposition of soft electronic materials and polymers. Dr. Andrews received her PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2011, and then started…
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The Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Judy Jeevarajan’s live webinar, “Characterization of Li-ion Battery Thermal Runaway in ESSs and EVs,” on August 3, 2022. Dr. Jeevarajan took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. She kindly answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. Find these responses below.