The following are the biographical sketches and candidacy statements for the candidates nominated for the position of ECS Sensor Division Treasurer. ECS Sensor Division members are urged to take part in this important election! Voting begins September 1 and ends September 29.

Congratulations to Keegan Adair, winner of the 2020 ECS Canada Section Student Award. The Canada Section Student Award is one of four awards in the ECS Canada Section recognition program. Established in 1987, the award recognizes promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical power sources. It is intended to encourage the recipients to initiate or continue careers in the field. The recipient is a student pursuing a PhD at a Canadian university in any area of science or engineering…
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Electronics and Photonics Division Award Let There be Light… – Research at the Intersection of Electronics and Photonics By Andrew Steckl   Andrew Steckl is Ohio Eminent Scholar, Gieringer Professor, and Distinguished University Research Professor at the University of Cincinnati, US, in the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Materials Science and Engineering. Steckl obtained his BS from Princeton University, US, and his MS and PhD from University of Rochester, US. He is a Life Fellow of the…
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Battery Division Technology Award  Exploring Stable Manganese-Based Oxides As Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries By Yong Yang Yong Yang is Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Xiamen University (XMU), China. In 1992, Yong completed his PhD in Physical Chemistry at XMU and a two-year split PhD study in the UK. After completing his degree, he started his academic career at the XMU State Key Lab of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces. He was Academic Visitor at the University of Oxford in 1997-1998….
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Call for Papers ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Focus Issue on Solid State Reviews The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is publishing a collection of reviews, critical reviews (CRES3T), and perspective articles in the field of solid state science and technology. The journal is accepting submissions across all technical areas. This includes:

Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award Understanding Reactivity at Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces in Li-O2 and Li-ion Batteries By Bryan McCloskey Bryan McCloskey is Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Graduate Education in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley (Cal), US. He holds a joint appointment as Faculty Engineer in the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). McCloskey, a native Coloradoan, received his BS in Chemical Engineering from the…
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The Fellow of The Electrochemical Society was established in 1989 to honor advanced individual technological contributions in the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology, and service to the Society. These members are recognized at the plenary session for their scientific achievements, leadership, and active participation in the affairs of ECS. Each year, up to 15 renowned scientists and engineers are chosen by their peers for this honor. Join us in celebrating the 2020 class of Fellows of…
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For months, Impact Canada has been working hard on narrowing down five finalists to work on the Charging the Future Challenge, a $4.5-million project aimed at accelerating made-in-Canada clean battery innovations with the potential to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The five selected finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas for battery breakthroughs to a jury for a chance to win up to $700,000 each to develop battery prototypes over the course of 18-months, with the winner receiving…
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On June 24, 2020, Dr. Paul Kenis, 2020 winner of the Energy Technology Division Research Award, presented his talk on “Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry?” via a live webinar presentation. Dr. Kenis’s talk covered a summary of the status of CO2 electrocatalysis, the techno-economic and life-cycle analysis of CO2 electrolysis to identify remaining hurdles, and the prospects of CO2 electrolysis technology contributing to a future sustainable chemical industry. View Dr. Kenis’s webinar presentation, here. Following the talk, attendees…
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Jerry Woodall on Science and Technology Careers That Matter In our series, The ECS Community Adapts and Advances, Jerry Woodall shares insights from his long career working in industry and academia. An inventor and scientist, Jerry is best known for developing the first commercially-viable red LEDs used in automobile brake lights and traffic lights, CD/DVD players, TV remote controls, and computer networks. He received the US National Medal of Technology and Innovation for “his pioneering role in the research and development of…
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