Around the world, the transportation sector is evolving. Globally, electric vehicle (EV) sales have more than doubled, showing a 72 percent increase in 2015, followed by 41 percent global increase in EV sales in 2016. Now, France is committing to a greener transportation sector by vowing to end the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2040, further pledging to become a carbon neutral country by 2050. Currently, 95.2 percent of new car fleets in France are represented by gasoline…
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Nine new issues of ECS Transactions (ECST) have just been added to the ECS Online Store for pre-order. The following issues of ECST will be published from symposia held during the 232nd ECS Meeting in National Harbor, and will be available in limited quantities for pick-up at the meeting. Electronic (PDF) editions will be made available for purchase beginning September 22, 2017. To pre-order a CD/USB edition, please follow the links below: 1. Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 15: In Memory of Samares…
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Event Information: Cubicciotti Award and honorable mention ceremony July 13, 2017 4:00 – 5:00 pm Tan Kah Kee Hall Building, Room 180, UC Berkeley Parking: Stadium parking garage, Hearst parking garage The ECS San Francisco Section, and a jury of representatives from Apple, Bosch, and QuantumScape have selected the 2017 winner and honorable mention recipients of the Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award. Each application was reviewed to select the candidates whose personal characteristics best reflected Dan Cubicciotti’s commitment to academic excellence,…
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Take the time to honor and support your friends and colleagues, be sure to add the division award winners’ talks to your calendar, they are scheduled in various symposia throughout the week. Division Awards Battery Division Technology Award Thursday, Oct. 5 | 1400h Maryland C Progress in High-Capacity Gradient Layered Li[NixCoyMnz]O2 Cathodes for Lithium-ion Batteries By Yang-Kook Sun Yang-Kook Sun is presently Professor of Energy Engineering at the Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea. He received his PhD in chemical...
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Established in 1989 for advanced individual technological contributions in the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. These members are being recognized at the plenary session for scientific achievements, for leadership, and for active participation in the affairs of ECS. Each year, up to 15 renowned scientists and engineers are chosen by their peers for this honor. Join us in celebrating the 2017 class of the Fellows of the Electrochemical Society. Christian Amatore is a member of the...
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Synergistic Use of SOFCs in Data Centers and Other Embedded Energy Applications Wednesday, July 26 Atlantic Ballroom 1/2 All SOFC-XV participants are welcome to attend a special workshop on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 26 on SOFCs and their role in distributed power. The event will include talks by Microsoft, Cummins, University of California – Irvine, and Ceres Power on inherent synergies of SOFCs when embedded in data centers or other modular power applications. The talks will be followed by...
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The ECS Society Awards will be presented during this meeting at the Plenary Session. The Olin Palladium Award will be presented to Philippe Marcus, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (CNRS-ENSCP) and the Carl Wagner Memorial Award will go to Eric Wachsman, University of Maryland. Mark Burgess and Kenneth Hernández-Burgos from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will recieve the Norman Hackerman Young Author Award for best paper published by young authors in...
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Gather with your colleagues The plenary session is one of the highlighted events of the meeting, allowing participants from every symposia to come together and recognize some of the greatest minds in the field. ECS President Johna Leddy will wrap up the first full day of the 232nd ECS Meeting by welcoming the ECS meeting attendees and introducing the highly anticipated lecturer, Steven Chu and his talk “The Role of Electrochemistry in our Transition to Sustainable Energy.” The agenda also...
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ECS Transactions (ECST) is an online database containing the full-text content of proceedings from ECS meetings and ECS-sponsored meetings. For a full listing of available volumes and issues, please visit the ECS Transactions page of the ECS Digital Library. Full issues may be purchased through the ECS Online Store. **Important information regarding enhanced and standard issues of ECST** Every ECS meeting attendee has the opportunity to submit a full-text manuscript based on their meeting abstract to ECS Transactions. ECST publishes two types of...
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Scientists have created a durable catalyst for high-performance fuel cells by attaching single ruthenium atoms to graphene. Catalysts that drive the oxygen reduction reaction that lets fuel cells turn chemical energy into electricity are usually made of platinum, which stands up to the acidic nature of the cell’s charge-carrying electrolyte. But platinum is expensive, and scientists have searched for decades for a suitable replacement. The ruthenium-graphene combination may fit the bill, says chemist James Tour, a professor of computer science…
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