Topic Close-up #13 Symposium A05: Battery Recycling and Reuse Extended Deadline for Submitting Abstracts: December 17, 2021 Symposium focus:  From portable electronics to electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, batteries continue to deeply penetrate our daily life and industrial uses. With the rapid increase of battery usage, a huge amount of spent batteries will be generated in the coming years. At the same time, booming battery manufacturing will result in the resource shortage and price increase of critical metals such…
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The Electrochemical Society hosted Prof. Raphaële J. Clément’s live online webinar, “From order to disorder: NMR insights into ionic conduction in battery materials,” on October 27, 2021. Below are answers to questions posed during the presentation. NOTE: Registration is required to view the webinar. Raphaële Clément is an Assistant Professor in the Materials Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), U.S. She received her PhD in Chemistry in 2016 from the University of Cambridge, UK, working under the supervision…
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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced $209 million in funding for 26 new laboratory projects focusing on electric vehicles, advanced batteries, and connected vehicles. DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory introduced Li-Bridge, a new public-private partnership to bridge gaps in the domestic lithium battery supply chain. Advanced lithium-based batteries play an integral role in 21st century technologies such as electric vehicles, stationary grid storage, and defense applications that are critical to securing a clean energy future. The projects support goals…
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Congratulations to Muhammad Mominur Rahman of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and Yang Yu of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the 2021 recipients of the Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development. Muhammed Mominur Rahman

Raphaële J. Clément      Professor Materials Department University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.   Date: October 27, 2021 Time: 1300h ET Sponsors:  Hiden Analytical, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society Materials Letters, JEOL USA, Inc.  The development of next-generation solid state ion conductors hinges on an understanding of microscopic diffusion mechanisms and the identification of roadblocks along macroscopic diffusion pathways (e.g., intragrain defects and grain boundaries).

Ming Tang Associate Professor Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering Rice University, U.S. Date: July 28, 2021 Time: 1000h ET Sponsor: Hiden Analytical During battery (dis)charging, lithium (de)intercalation in electrodes is usually spatially non-uniform across multiple length scales. Such a phenomenon is a major impediment to battery performance and life as it causes energy under-utilization and induces over-(dis)charging, etc. While reaction heterogeneity is often attributed to mass transport limitation, this talk highlights the important roles of thermodynamic factors including elastic…
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Presenter: Dr. Daniel (Dan) T. Schwartz University of Washington Seattle, Washington, U.S. Date: April 8, 2021 Time: 1000h PT / 1300h ET This is the second in the ECS Pacific Northwest Section quarterly webinar series.