ECS Short Courses are all-day classes designed to provide students or the seasoned professional with an in-depth education on a wide range of topics. Taught by academic and industry experts, the small class size makes for an excellent opportunity for personalized instruction helping both novices and experts advance their technical expertise and knowledge. Short courses are open to the public with special discounts given to meeting attendees. Sunday, May 28, 2017 | New Orleans, LA Short courses will be offered...
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A new study led by ECS member Haluk Beyenal reveals a novel type of cooperative photosynthesis with potential applications in waste treatment and bioenergy production. The research details a unique metabolic process observed for the first time in a pair of bacteria, which could be used to engineer microbial communities. Beyenal and his team honed in on a bacterium known as Prosthecochloris aestaurii, which is able to photosynthesize by using sunlight and elemental sulfur or hydrogen sulfide. This from Washington…
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There’s a major player in the autonomous, electric car industry that may just outpace transportation mogul Tesla. Faraday Future, an American start-up focused on developing intelligent electric vehicles, just unveiled its first self-driving supercar called the FF91. Faraday Future states that the vehicle’s 130 kWh battery delivers a range of 378 miles on a single charge. Additionally, 10 cameras, 13 radar sensors, and 12 ultrasonic sensors help power the vehicle’s autonomous abilities. But Nick Samson, Faraday Future’s senior vice president…
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Renewable energy is on the rise, but how we store that energy is still up for debate. “Renewable energy is growing, but it’s intermittent,” says Grigorii Soloveichik, program director at the United States Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency. “That means we need to store that energy and we have two ways to do that: electricity or liquid fuels.” According to Soloveichik, electricity and batteries are sufficient for short term energy storage, but new technologies such as liquid fuels...
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Renewable energy is on the rise, but how we store that energy is still up for debate. “Renewable energy is growing, but it’s intermittent,” says Grigorii Soloveichik, program director at the United States Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency. “That means we need to store that energy and we have two ways to do that: electricity or liquid fuels.” According to Soloveichik, electricity and batteries are sufficient for short term energy storage, but new technologies such as liquid fuels…
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We’re wrapping up another year and reflecting on some of our top digital media of 2016. Check out the top five viewed videos and episodes of the ECS Podcast of the year. Top 5 ECS Videos The New Model for Scientific Publishing | watch Free the Science | watch The Critical Impact of Our Science | watch Allen Bard in 1983 | watch Why Join and ECS Student Chapter | watch Top 5 ECS Podcasts Khalil Amine on Next Generation…
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The abstract submission deadline for the upcoming ECS Meeting in New Orleans, May 28 – June 2, 2017 has officially been extended to Dec. 30, 2016! Do not miss this final opportunity to present your most recent work in one of 50 symposia covering the latest topics in in the fields of electrochemical and solid state science. In addition to longstanding symposia on batteries, semiconductors, and fullerenes, the New Orleans meeting will also cover newer areas such as sustainable materials,…
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The National Inventors Hall of Fame was founded in 1973 and continues to honor individuals among us who strive to make the world a better place through innovation. With a simple mission to recognize inventors and invention, the National Inventors Hall of Fame announces a call for nominations for 2017 recognition. ECS is proud to partner with the National Inventors Hall of Fame. The chair of the ECS Honors & Awards Committee serves as our representative for the four-year term;…
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Thank you to our symposia sponsors Symposia sponsors enable ECS to support the travel expenses and registration fees of invited speakers, students and researchers with limited financial resources. The deadline is February 28, 2017 to become a symposium sponsor for the 231st ECS Meeting. If you have questions about symposia sponsorship, please contact John Lewis at 609.737.1902 ext. 120. Symposium sponsors Silver level King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, PSE Division H03 - Properties and Applications of 2-Dimensional Layered...
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The year 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of the commercialization of the lithium-ion battery. Since Sony’s move to commercialize the technology in 1991, the clunky electronics that were made possible by the development of the transistor have become sleek, portable devices that play an integral role in our daily lives – thanks in large part to the Li-ion battery. “There would be no electronic portable device revolution without the lithium-ion battery,” Robert Kostecki, past chair of ECS’s Battery Division and...
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