ECS provides a number of fellowships and awards to help students become full-fledged professionals. Please contact ECS for further information about any of these awards: E-mail: Telephone: 609.737.1902 Apply Now Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development Canada Section Student Award Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award sponsored by BioLogic Georgia Section Outstanding Student Achievement Award General Student Poster Session Awards India Section S.K. Rangarajan Graduate Student Award Industrial...
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ECS began recognizing long-term supporters of the Society with the Leadership Circle Awards in the fall of 2002. The award honors and thanks our partners in electrochemistry and solid state science. It is granted in the anniversary year that an institutional partner reaches a milestone level. Recipient qualifications Recipients are institutional partners in good standing. Award The ECS President or appointed ECS representative presents the award—a commemorative plaque—to the distinguished corporation’s institutional representative at an ECS biannual meeting or a...
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The Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal was established in 1998 to recognize excellence in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology research. Nomination Deadline: February 15, even years Presented: Fall meeting, even years Recipient qualifications The recipient will have made outstanding achievements in either electrochemical science or solid state science and technology based on publications and/or technical contributions to these fields. Nomination Submissions Nominations shall be made by members of ECS. A complete nomination package includes: Completed electronic nomination form...
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Recognizing scientific achievement ECS distinguishes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and recognizes exceptional service to the Society through the Honors & Awards Program. Recognition opportunities exist in the following categories: society awards, division awards, student awards, and section awards. There shall be no restrictions or reservations regarding age, sex, race, citizenship, or place of origin or residence. For further information about the ECS Honors & Awards Program, e-mail or reach us by telephone...
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The Illinois Institute of Technology is one of ECS’s newest student chapters, and they held their first event on November 23, 2015. They received an excellent attendance rate of nearly one hundred students in addition to IIT faculty members and faculty from other near by institutions.  This event included the director of the Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS), Dr. Jeffrey Chamberlain, who is also the deputy director of the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR). Dr. Chamberlain hosted…
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We are currently accepting nominations for the prestigious honor of Fellow of The Electrochemical Society. This award was established in 1989 for advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid-state science and technology and for active membership and involvement in the affairs of The Electrochemical Society. The award consists of a scroll, lapel pin and eternal bragging rights. Now is the time to look around the room at your colleagues, recall that Division Member who you shared…
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The energy sources that have changed our world From primary cells to novel materials, the ability to generate power with energy sources such as batteries has changed our everyday world. A world without batteries Imagine a world without batteries! A teenager walks outside wearing headphones, tethered to home by a lengthy extension cord. An old man winds his pacemaker like a pocket watch. With no storage batteries to equalize power demands, air conditioners overwhelm the city’s electrical grid. In thousands…
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History of electrochemistry: From Volta to Faraday The history of electrochemistry is filled with major advances in understanding and technology that helped define both industrial production and daily life in the twenty-first century. Alessandro Volta, inventor of the electric battery. First battery The story of electrochemistry begins with Alessandro Volta, who announced his invention of the voltaic pile, the first modern electrical battery, in 1800. The pile caught the imagination of even the ruler of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, who went...
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With smart technology on the rise, researchers are looking for ways to develop smaller sensors that can help building the landscape of the internet of things. However, this could potentially demand huge sums of power in an era where people are working hard to conserve energy. A research team from Eindhoven University of Technology may have found a solution to this problem with the development of their new extra-small, wireless sensors that are powered by radio waves that make up…
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Meeting: May 29 – June 2, 2016 | Exhibit: May 31-June 2, 2016 Exhibit Hours Tuesday, May 31, 2016 0800-1300h Exhibitor Move-In 1300-1600h Technical Exhibit 1400-1500h Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1530-1630h Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1800-2000h Technical Exhibit, General & Student Poster Session Wednesday, June 1, 2016 0900-1400h Technical Exhibit 0930-1000h Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall 0930-1030h Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1100-1200h Potential Exhibitor Workshop in Exhibit Hall 1130h Lunch Available on Exhibit Floor...
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