Billur Deniz Polat Karahan’s academic career has revolved around the research of thin films. Upon obtaining her BA from Istanbul Technical University, Polta Karahan started her PhD at her alma mater in the university’s Advance Technology Program.
Currently, she is currently working to produce and characterize structures Si based thin film electrodes for LIBs. During her PhD, she studied for six months at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) where she produced thin films by electron beam evaporation and magnetron sputtering methods. Under the supervision of ANL’s Khalil Amine, she was able to characterize morphological, structural, and electrochemical performances of these films when used as negative electrodes.
Aside from thin films, Polat Karahan has experience in electrochemical coatings, zinc alloy casting, and electrochemical testing methods. She has published 52 papers, 14 magazine articles, and co-authored two international books.