JES Focus Issue in Honor of Michel Armand

Call for Papers

ECS Journal of The Electrochemical Society 
Focus Issue on Challenges in Novel Electrolytes, Organic Materials, and Innovative Chemistries for Batteries in Honor of Michel Armand

This focus issue of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society is devoted to the novel electrolytes, organic materials, and innovative chemistries for batteries. This issue is inspired by the work of Michel Armand, Emeritus Researcher at French CNRS, and presently working at CIC-Energigune in Spain and at Deakin University in Australia. Michel Armand, after ushering the intercalation concept, has led the community with outstanding and inspiring contributions to the field of battery electrochemistry with major industrial applications. Armand’s most important renown findings are solid state polymer electrolytes for Li Metal Polymer batteries now commercialized, new highly conductive salt families like LiTFSI (commercialized) and LiFSI for advanced electrolytes, and carbon-nanopainting of LiFePO4 leading to wide-scale commercialization of this olivine in EV and grid storage batteries.

More specifically, contributions are invited on the following topics:

  • polymer electrolytes,
  • ionic liquid electrolytes,
  • new electrolyte salts,
  • conductive layer-coated electrode materials,
  • electrode materials for organic batteries,
  • metal/electrolyte interfaces,
  • full cells made with previous materials and/or electrolytes,
  • anode metal based rechargeable batteries,
  • any innovative cell design and innovative chemistry.

All papers published in this focus issue will be
OPEN ACCESS at NO COST to the authors! *

Submission deadline EXTENDED | November 27, 2019 December 31, 2019

— Submit manuscripts here —

(At the time of submission, indicate that the paper is intended for a focus issue and select JES Focus Issue Challenges in Batteries.)

Papers accepted for this focus issue are published online within approximately 10 days of acceptance. The issue will be created online as the articles are accepted, with the final article published in May 2020.

Guest Editors

Vito Di Noto, University of Padova |
Maria Forsyth, Deakin University |
Philippe Poizo, Universite de Nantes |
Teofilo Rojo, Universidad del País Vasco-EHU |
Karim Zaghib, Hydro-Quebec |

JES Associate Editor

Brett Lucht, University of Rhode Island |

Lead Guest Editor

Dominique Guyomard, CNRS IMN |

JES Technical Editor

Doron Aurbach, Bar-Ilan University |

NEW FOR 2020: If selected at submission, accepted papers will be published online in the ECS Digital Library within 24 hours of final acceptance. The version of record will be published online within approximately 10 days of final acceptance.