Follow these guidelines to submit Interface content
The mission of Interface is to:
- Provide a forum for the lively exchange of ideas and news among ECS members and the international scientific community;
- Stimulate awareness of ECS as a leader in technology frontiers through presentation of broad-based technical features and highlights from the field;
- Communicate ECS news, information, and activities to its members and the scientific community.
ECS divisions
Technical articles
Division, section, and student chapter news submissions
Figures and photographs
ECS divisions
Alternate issues highlight a Society division by presenting the state of the technology of that division’s field, as well as featured articles on that subject area. These contributions should be coordinated through the Interface Advisory Board’s appropriate division member. Other timely articles of general interest to Society members also may be contributed.
Each division appoints a representative to the Interface Advisory Board, whose duties include:
- Notifying the ECS Division Executive Committee of decisions made by the Advisory Board;
- Organizing the materials/information necessary for the issue of Interface featuring the division;
- Submitting to the Editor other technical and general information of related interest to the division.
Technical articles
Articles submitted to Interface should be written for a general scientific audience, with a broad introduction and wide scope so that newcomers to that particular field can understand the issues; and with enough depth that experts in the field will find the article interesting. Use the Interface Article Submission Checklist and follow the sample article instructions and the ECS Style Guide when preparing technical articles.
Submit technical articles to Editor Robert Kelly at by the following deadlines to be considered for publication in a specific issue of Interface.
Content that has been submitted to a preprint service—such as ECSarXiv—may be submitted to Interface, provided it has been prepared in accordance with the author instructions.
2024 Interface technical article deadlines
Spring | December 1 |
Summer | March 1 |
Fall | June 1 |
Winter | September 1 |
Division, section, and student chapter news submissions
Submit division news to Genevieve Goldy, Board Relations Specialist, at
Submit section and student chapter news to
Review the submission guidelines in the ECS Blog, 2024 Interface Division, Section, Chapter Submission Deadlines. Submit news by the following deadlines to be considered for publication in a specific Interface issue.
2025 division, student chapter and section news deadlines
Spring | January 6, 2025 |
Summer | April 7, 2025 |
Fall | July 3, 2025 |
Winter | September 22, 2025 |
Figures and photographs
- Figures and photographs must be submitted as separate files attached to emails.
- Photos must be provided as individual high-resolution JPG or TIF files with at least 300 dpi (dots or pixels per inch) with an image size of 4×6; this means that the picture file should be larger than 1 MB.
- Photo Captions
- In addition to sending photos as an email attachment, photos must be included in your MS Word document with a brief one-sentence description for each caption.
- List the names of all recognizable individuals in the photo (from left to right) if the group is less than six to eight people. For larger groups, include just the group’s name.
- Photo Permissions
- Photos that have individuals under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a release form signed by a legal guardian. Contact for this form.
- Written permission from the photographer allowing ECS to use the photograph is required. An email from the photographer is sufficient.
- ECS will publish the photographer’s name/credit if requested.
NOTE: There are no page charges for publication, nor payments made by ECS for accepted articles or photographs published in Interface.