There are a number of ongoing projects at ECS that will help move the organization forward—specifically related to your experience as a member of our community.
Late last week, ECS imported records from ECSxPress (the journal manuscript submission and peer review system), and Confex (the meeting abstract submission system) into ECS’s main database management system to make it easier to communicate with you via email.
If you didn’t already have an account in our main database, you now have access to the ECS My Account features: email communication preferences, tracking event participation, connecting your social media, adding your interests, and more.
In some instances, individuals that already have an ECS My Account may mistakenly receive a notification that they have access to a new ECS My Account – we apologize for this inconvenience. Let us know at and we will correct the issue.
Please note that this does not replace the ECSxPress or Confex systems. Continue to use them as you always have.
We appreciate your patience as we work towards integrating ECS platforms and providing you a better experience.