Nomination deadline: February 15, even years
Presented: Fall section meeting, even years
The San Francisco Section Award was established in 2021 to recognize excellence in the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology; acknowledge service to The Electrochemical Society; and advance and encourage electrochemistry and solid state science and technology as a profession.
Eligibility criteria
The recipient is:
- Individual or team residing in California or southwest states who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology;
- Active ECS member(s), and preferably ECS San Francisco Section member(s).
Selection criteria include:
- Academic record;
- Quality of prior research activities;
- Personal characteristics including the highest level of integrity, an innovative and probing mind, interpersonal skills, and joy for life;
- Community service and participation in other activities including, but not limited to music, sports, theatre, and teaching are also considered.
Nomination guidelines
- Candidates may be nominated from industry, government or universities.
- Nomination should address the recipient’s distinguished contribution to the advancement of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology, based on publications/patents and/or technical contributions to these fields (by developing an industrial electrochemical process of recognized commercial importance or by significant contribution to fundamental electrochemical science or/and solid state science).
Additionally, the nomination is encouraged to address one or more of the follow criteria:
- Distinguished contributions in education in the field of electrochemistry and/or solid state science, such as mentoring students or organizing and developing technical training courses in these areas;
- Accomplishments in advancing electrochemistry as a profession by promoting or stimulating applied electrochemical research and development;
- Significant service to The Electrochemical Society.
The complete nomination package includes:
- Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
- Copy of publication(s);
- Additional documents may be included:
- Nomination letter;
- Curriculum vitae (individual or team members)
- Up to five letters of support.
The award consists of:
- Engraved plaque;
- USD $2,000 prize.
If a team of either two or three individuals receives the award, each team member receives a plaque. The cash prize is divided equally between the recipients.
The recipient(s) receive the award at the designated Society or ECS San Francisco Section meeting.
Recipient obligations
The recipient(s) are invited to deliver a general address on a subject of major interest to them in the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology.
Contact with questions or for more information.
Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.
Marca Doeff
Adam Weber