Nomination period: October 15 – January 15, annually
Presented: ECS fall meeting, annually
The ECS Sensor Division Early Career Award was established in 2021 to recognize promising early career engineers’ and scientists’ research contributions to the field of sensors; encourage recipients to continue careers in the field and remain active in the ECS Sensor Division.
Eligibility criteria
- Lead or contact author on multiple papers, at least two of which appeared in an ECS journal relevant to the ECS Sensor Division topical interest area (TIA);
- Completed their PhD within 10 years of the nomination deadline date. The 10-year timeline may be extended for special reasons (e.g., parental leave, military service, long-term illness, etc.), which are considered on a case-by-case basis. To maintain confidentiality, submit the extension justification to ECS Awards separately from the nomination packet.
- Shows exceptional promise in scientific research, and signs of leadership, advocacy/outreach, and/or teaching in the sensor field;
- Current member of The Electrochemical Society with the ECS Sensor Division as their primary division.
Nomination Guidelines
A complete nomination package includes:
- Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
- Curriculum vitae including a record of achievements (e.g., publications, technical presentations, patents, etc.);
- List of nominee’s key published or accepted paper(s). The nominee is lead or contact author on at least two papers in an ECS journal on topics relevant to ECS Sensor Division TIAs;
- Summary of nominee’s qualifications serving as the basis for the award (maximum of 5000 characters);
- Nomination letter;
- Letters of support (minimum of two, maximum of five).
Unsuccessful nominations are considered for one additional award cycle, if eligibility remains.
ECS Sensor Division Early Career Committee members may not submit nominations or letters of support during their term of service on the committee.
The award consists of:
- Framed certificate;
- USD $1,000;
- Complimentary meeting registration;
- ECS Sensor Division Business luncheon ticket.
Recipient obligations
The recipient:
- Presents a talk at the ECS Sensor Division symposium at the Society’s fall meeting when the award is presented;
- Submits a featured review article on a topic of the recipient’s choice to an ECS journal (Sensors TIA) within one year of the award presentation.
For more information or questions, contact
Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.
Dongmei Dong (2024)
Stefano Cinti (2023)