Tooru Tsuru received his Doctor degree in metallurgical engineering from TIT in 1975 and joined the Department of Metallurgical Engineering at TIT as a Research Associate, in 1982 as an Associate Professor, in 1990 as a Professor, in 2010 as a Distinguished Professor, and retired in 2012.
In his work, Tsuru combines basic electrochemical measurements with other physical, chemical or mechanical methods, such as resistometry, electrochemical impedance, channel flow electrode, Kelvin probe, acoustic and photo acoustic measurements, and others, to advance corrosion research and developed understanding based on electrochemistry principles. Also, he and his co-workers have explored with success the electrochemistry of hot corrosion, hydrogen entry of steels, corrosion fatigue, and fuel cells.
Professor Tsuru supervised 37 doctoral dissertations and published more than 175 original papers (include Japanese), more than 161 papers in international meeting proceedings, 19 co-authored books and 9 co-edited international proceeding volumes.
As part of The Electrochemical Society, Tsuru is a member of Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering (JSCE) and was the president of JSCE (2007-2008) and he has been the member of International Corrosion Council (ICC) since 1998, and was vice president (2002-2007) and president (2008-2010).