Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award

Nomination period: October 15 – January 15, annually
Presented: ECS fall meeting, annually

The Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award was established in 1973 to recognize excellence in corrosion research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology.

Eligibility criteria

The recipient has made an outstanding achievement in corrosion research or other significant technical contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology.

Nomination Guidelines

A complete nomination packet includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Nomination letter;
  • Nominee’s comprehensive curriculum vitae/resume;
  • Any other pertinent information that might assist the members of the Awards Committee in assessing the candidate.

Unsuccessful nominations are automatically considered for one additional award cycle. Nominations can be updated.

Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award Committee members may not submit nominations or letters of support during their terms of service.


The award consists of:

  • Scroll;
  • USD $1,500;
  • Discretionary travel expenses to attend the designated ECS meeting.
Recipient obligations

The award recipient presents a lecture on their research work at a designated ECS Corrosion Division fall meeting symposium when the award is presented.

About H. H. Uhlig

Prof. Herbert H. Uhlig was a teacher, graduate advisor, and head of the Corrosion Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for over 30 years. From the application of basic first principles, to research on corrosion phenomena and authoring hundreds of publications on passivity, pitting, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, and the oxidation of metals, Prof. Uhlig is widely recognized as one of the leaders responsible for establishing the field of corrosion science on a firm fundamental basis. An active ECS member, Prof. Uhlig served as President from 1955-1956.


For more information or questions, contact

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Ingrid Milošev
Sannakaisa Virtanen
Mark Orazem
Nick Birbilis
Alison Davenport
Rudolph Buchheit
Herman Terryn
Robert G. Kelly
David Shoesmith
Paul Natishan
Mário Ferreira

Hans-Henning Strehblow
Patrik Schmuki
Gerald S. Frankel
John R. Scully
Martin Stratmann
Edward McCafferty
G. T. Burstein
P. Marcus
R. Newman
C. Leygraf

F. Mansfeld
D. Macdonald
K. Hashimoto
M. J. Graham
W. H. Smyrl
H. Isaacs
H. Leidheiser
R. P. Frankenthal
H. W. Pickering
P. Kofstad