Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal

Volta_frontNomination deadline: February 15, even years
Presented: Fall meeting, even years

The Europe Section Alessandro Volta Medal was established in 1998 to recognize excellence in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology research.

Eligibility criteria

The recipient has made outstanding achievements in electrochemical science or solid state science and technology based on publications and/or technical contributions to these fields.

Nomination guidelines

Nominations shall be made by any member of the ECS Europe Section Executive Committee or any ECS member.

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Nomination letter containing pertinent information which forms the basis of the nomination;
  • Curriculum vitae and publications list;
  • Up to five letters of support from scientists in the field.

The award consists of:

  • Silver medal;
  • USD $2,000. 
Recipient obligations

During the designated ECS meeting at which the award is presented, the recipient is invited to deliver the “Volta Award Lecture” on a subject of major interest to the recipient or related to the citation of the award or to the individual’s current research activity.

About Alessandro Volta

Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) was the Italian scientist who invented the electrical battery and discovered methane. Internationally credited with founding electrochemical science and technology, the SI unit of electric potential is named the “volt” in Volta’s honor. 


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Pawel Kulesza (2024)
Jerry Barker (2022)
Stefano Passerini (2022)
Martin Winter (2020)
Wolfgang Schuhmann (2018)
Christian Amatore (2016)
Philip Bartlett (2014)
Jean-Noël Chazalviel (2012)
Not awarded (2010)
Patrik Schmuki (2008)
Bruno Scrosati (2006)
R. G. Compton (2004)
J.-M. Tarascon (2002)
M. Armand (2000)