Support the Next Generation

Did you know? ECS awarded 82 students with travel grants to attend the latest ECS meeting, AiMES, last week in Cancun, Mexico. And, of all the presentations given at AiMES, 27% came from student oral presentations and student posters. We couldn’t have done it without your help and support! 

Your donations helped provide young researchers with the opportunity to learn and bring more value to their work, explore new opportunities and network at our international meetings. But don’t take our word for it. Take theirs:

Samuel Castro Pardo, travel grant recipientSamuel Castro Pardo, a PhD student at Rice University in Texas, says because of his travel grant, he was able to attend AiMES last week and discover a solution he was looking for. “I’ve been struggling with a project for a few months, and a speaker mentioned something during a talk, and I said, ‘Oh my gosh, I think I know why my experiment isn’t working.'” Pardo is already planning for future experiments with this newfound information.


Raisa Oliveira, travel grant recipientRaisa Oliveira, a PhD student from the Instituto Superior Tecnico in Portugual, says she wouldn’t have been able to attend AiMES without her travel grant, as her supervisor doesn’t have the finances to support the trip. “It’s an amazing opportunity to be here,” said Oliveira. “I can be drinking coffee, look up, and say, ‘this is the person whose paper I read yesterday.’ I’m meeting my stars, my scientific stars.”


Matthias Künzel, travel grant recipientMatthias Künzel, a PhD student from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, says his travel grant allowed him to attend AiMES, which he finds particularly important due to its international reach. “I think people learn different in different countries,” says Künzel. “In Germany, we follow rules strictly. Talking to other people who have different views pushes you to approach things differently.”


Refer a Friend Contest Winners

ECS would like to congratulate Johan Scheers of the Volvo Group for winning first place in the August 2018 Refer a Friend Contest! Scheers receives a complimentary meeting registration to a 2019 ECS biannual meeting of his choice.

The second place recipient, Anatolie Carcea from the University of Toronto, receives a complimentary 5-year membership. Tatiana Lastovina from Southern Federal University in Russia, the third place winner, receives a complimentary 3-year membership.

Members were challenged to recruit new members to the Society throughout August; emails were sent each week to encourage these member-to-member recruitment efforts.


ECS Refer a Friend Contest

Earlier this year, ECS hosted a membership drive that successfully recruited 167 new and renewed 89 members and student members. We know that recruiting is no easy task.

That’s why we are asking for your help!

ECS is challenging our members and student members to recruit a friend to become a new member starting on August 1, 2018.

We are giving away a 2019 biannual meeting registration to recognize the top recruiter’s efforts; the second place performer will receive a five-year ECS membership; and, the third place recruiter will receive a three-year ECS membership.


Delegates from the 6th Annual India Section School held in December 2017.

ECS sections serve an integral role within the Society. Many sections offer opportunities for members and student members to connect with their regional peers and host local symposia/meetings. Like our divisions, the sections help to serve the mission of ECS.

The Society provides services for sections to assist with marketing, meeting registration, and member recruitment. The services available are:


ECS marked the 90th anniversary of ECS providing summer fellowships in 2018. The ECS summer fellowship program is designed to assist students during the summer months, June through September, in the pursuit of work in a field of interest to ECS.

2018 Fellowship Recipients:

Haegyeom KimHaegyeom Kim
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Supervisor, Professor Gerbrand Ceder
Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship*
Jeffery HendersonJeffrey Henderson
University of Western Ontario
Advisors, Dr. James Noel and Dr. David Shoesmith
Herbert H. Uhlig Summer Fellowship
Xinyou KeXinyou Ke
Case Western Reserve University
Advisor, Dr. Robert Savinell
F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship
Yi PengYi Peng
University of California – Santa Cruz
Advisor, Professor Shaowei Chen
Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship
Aashutosh MistryAashutosh Mistry
Purdue University
Advisor, Professor Partha Mukherjee
Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship

*The Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship Award is designed to assist a postdoctoral scientist or engineer in the pursuit of battery research during the summer months.

Applications for the 2019 ECS Summer Fellowships open on September 15, 2018.

Learn about additional ECS programs!

6 New ECS Student Chapters

Student Group in SeattleWhile in Seattle, WA at the 233rd ECS Meeting, the ECS Board of Directors approved the chartering of six new student chapters.

The student chapter program continues to grow as students harness the benefits of student chapter membership. ECS now has 75 student chapters around the world!

The six new student chapters are:

  • Complutense University of Madrid
  • Florida Institutional University
  • Ulm Student Chapter
  • University of Guelph
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Yamagata University

ECS student chapter membership provides a number of benefits:

  • engage with fellow students and peers
  • opportunities to organize technical meeting programs and scholarly activities
  • collaborate with members to present posters at ECS bi-annual meetings
  • network of 8,000 international ECS members
  • access to career resources
  • impressive extracurricular activity for resume
  • funding to support chapter activities
  • partnership opportunities with local ECS Section on activities and technical programs
  • recognition on the ECS website and in quarterly publication, Interface

Visit the Student Center for more information about student chapter membership. Check out the Student Chapter Directory to see a listing of our current student chapters and get a sense of the scope of our network.

Interested in establishing an ECS student chapter at your academic institution? Read the guidelines for starting a chapter and fill out a New Student Chapter Application today!

Student Poster Winners

General Student Poster Session award winners from left to right: Jae Young Yoo, Hao Wang, Tammy Pham, Mario Cedano, David Reber

Established in 1993, the General Student Poster Session Awards acknowledge the eminence of a students’ work. The winners display an understanding of their research topic and its relation fields of interests to ECS.

Eligibility for the General Student Poster Session Awards requires students to submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Student Poster Session symposium and present their posters at the biannual meeting.


ECS March Membership Madness

Membership ApplicationsMembership continues to play a very important role in the success of The Electrochemical Society. During the month of March, ECS hosted a spring membership campaign that featured 13 stories about our members.

Membership with ECS is more than the discounts. Membership is access to the latest scientific research, a commitment to the dissemination of research, and an opportunity for you to build your career with an international network of peers.

Shirley Meng, secretary of the Battery Division, says “The Society is over 100 years old. We should think about what we’ll look like 100 years from now.” Research shows that people join membership organizations, like ECS, to have access to a peer network and to advance their careers. ECS continues to encourage members to invite new individuals to get involved in the organization; and, to engage those nonmembers with interests in electrochemistry and solid state science to learn more about ECS and share in the mission to Free the Science.

Membership application totalsThe goal of the drive was to recruit 100 new members to the organization. With the help of current members, we successfully recruited 81 new members and 86 new student members! In addition to the new members and student members, 68 of our members renewed their membership along with 21 student membership renewals.

Overall, ECS recruited 167 new members and 89 members renewed! This is 173% growth over the March 2017 membership applications/renewals.

Thank you to all of the members who helped to recruit new members to the Society and for those members that renewed during the month of March.

Call for Volunteers

ECS is looking for several volunteers for the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA. A volunteer shift is 6-hours in length. Additional benefits of being selected as a student volunteer are:

  • receive 50% off your meeting registration
  • (1) ticket to the student mixer and
  • (1) free year of student membership

Take advantage of the opportunity to network and engage with meeting attendees, symposium organizers, and ECS staff while learning how registration operates, technical sessions run, and how Seattle student volunteersmajor meeting programs are facilitated. In addition to hands-on experience, volunteers will also receive a volunteer t-shirt, a complimentary ticket to the student mixer and a certificate of participation.

Multilingual speakers are highly encouraged to apply!

Applications are open from April 9 – 18, 2018
Candidates notified: Wednesday, April 25

NOTE: If you do not complete the six hours of work on-site, you will be invoiced for the full registration fee. We will do our best to accommodate the hours you have listed as being available but this is not a guarantee. Each volunteer position will require interaction with the attendees, long periods of standing, and foot-traffic flow management. If you are unwilling or unable to complete these tasks please make us aware upon submitting your application.

Share Your News in Interface

ECS takes pride in the activities of its sections and student chapters. We are proud to feature the activities and accomplishment of both the ECS sections and student chapters.

Is your section/chapter engaging in a recruitment event? Are you planning a symposium or poster event? We know that many of our sections and chapters host meetings outside of the ECS biannual meetings; Interface is a great place to feature this type of event news!

While we encourage your news update to Interface, we do need the submission to meet certain guidelines. Please review the Student News Submission Guidelines before submitting your update; these guidelines are applicable to both sections and student chapters.

You can view previous section and student chapter news updates in prior versions of Interface via the ECS Digital Library – examples are linked below:

  • Section News: Interface 27, Issue 1 (Spring 2018) – Section
  • Student Chapter News: Interface 27, Issue 1 (Spring 2018) – Student Chapter

Please submit any student chapter or section news updates to, director of membership services.

Deadlines for Submissions:

  • April 16, 2018 – summer issue; to be published mid-July
  • June 25, 2018 – fall issue; to be published late August
  • October 15, 2018 – winter issue; to be published mid/late-December
Posted in Students