Bryan A. Chin began his scientific career at Westinghouse Hanford Company where he worked on the development of sensors and instrumentation for monitoring nuclear reactor cores. He then took that expertise to Auburn University, where he is in his 36th year of service and currently serves as The Breeden Professor of Engineering and Chairman of Materials of Engineering. Additionally, Chin is the Founder and Director of the Auburn University Detection and Food Safety Center.
Chin’s current research interests include electrochemical sensors for food safety, quality, and security; agricultural production and processing; environmental monitoring and the detection of pesticide residuals; and medical applications.
He has served as Secretary, Vice Chair, and Chair of the ECS Sensor Division and has organized and led many of the division’s symposia. Chin has authored or co-authored more than 280 publications and has been recognized for his work by organizations such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Engineering Science.