Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award

Nomination: The Young Author Awards selection committees look at all qualified papers published in the prior volume year.
Presented: Yearly

The Bruce Deal & Andy Grove Young Author Award was established in May 2013 to recognize the best paper published in the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) by a young author or co-authors for the volume year preceding the award.

Nomination: The Young Author Awards selection committees look at all qualified papers published in the prior volume year.
Presented: Yearly

Recipient qualifications

Eligible authors are under 31 years of age at the date of receipt of the paper. All technical papers published in JSS for the volume year preceding the award are eligible.


The award consists of: 

  • Framed scroll
  • Prize of USD $1,500 to be divided among the winning paper’s eligible authors.
  • An additional USD $1,000 travel grant is provided to be shared among the eligible authors so they can attend the ECS meeting where the award is presented.
  • Complimentary one-year ECS membership to begin on June 1. 
About Bruce E. Deal & Andy Grove

This award is named in honor of Andy Grove and Bruce Deal, co-authors on a paper published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society reporting the Deal-Grove model which mathematically describes the growth of an oxide layer on the surface of a material. The Deal-Grove model is used to analyze thermal oxidation of silicon in semiconductor device fabrication and has had a lasting influence on the semiconductor technology industry.


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Marvin Frauenrath (2023)
Nicolas Gauthier (2023)
Chao-Ching Chiang (2022)
Jian-Sian Li (2022)
Tingyu Bai (2020)
Nicholas Hines (2020)
Yekan Wang (2020)
Takashi Matsumae (2019)
Jiancheng Yang (2018)

Shihyun Ahn (2017)
Peng Sun (2016)
Kohei Shima (2015)
Pengfei Guo (2014)
Ran Cheng (2014)
Wei Wang (2014)
Konstantinos Spyrou (2013)
