Topic Close-up #3
Symposium E01: Electrodeposition of Micro and Nano Materials for Batteries and Sensors
Symposium Focus: This symposium will cover advances in electrochemical deposition (electrolytic, electroless, chemical bath or electrochemical ALD) for energy storage and sensor devices. The electronics industry has demonstrated electrochemical processing at micro and nano dimensions for interconnect, barrier layer, magnetics and solder applications for metals, alloys and composites. A large number of relevant active materials and current collector scaffolds can also be deposited, structured and post-processed electrochemically for use in advanced batteries and sensor devices. These processes can enable future micro-devices for the internet of things but equally can address improvements in certain components for large capacity batteries, electrolyzers or fuel cells. Our symposium welcomes also papers covering vapor deposition techniques such as ALD which can be used in combination with the wet chemical deposition routes for the fabrication of microdevices.
Featured Invited Speakers: Prof. Leif Nyholm, Uppsala University, Department of Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden; Prof. Nosang Myung, University of California, Riverside, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Riverside, CA, USA.; Prof. Chunsheng Wang, Maryland University, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, College Park, MD, USA.; Dr. Abhishek Lahiri, Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Electrochemistry, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany.; Dr. Sami Oukassi, CEA/Leti, Laboratoire des microbatteries embarquées, Grenoble, France.; Dr. Felix Mattelaer, Ghent University, Departement of Solid-State Physics, Gent, Belgium.; Dr. Ivo Stassen, MIT, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Dr. Jie Xiao, Pacific Northwest national laboratory/University of Arkansas, Richland, WA, USA.