Topic Close-up #1
Symposium L06: Nanoporous Materials
Symposium Highlights: Nanoporous materials have unique surface, structural, and bulk properties that enable their applications in electrochemical sensing, catalysis, environmental remediation, photoelectrochemistry, and energy storage. The development of nanoporous materials requires specialized design, synthesis, and characterization methods that tailor pore structure and chemistry to achieve desired material properties. The goal of this symposium is to explore unique challenges and opportunities in the evolution and utilization of nanoporous materials.
Topics of Interest: Including but are not limited to: 1) design, simulation, and/or characterization of nanoporous materials, 2) novel synthesis methods, 3) unique applications of nanoporous materials in electrochemistry and beyond, and 4) insights into the effects of pore structure and surface functionalization on the properties and potential applications of nanoporous materials.