Every year at the spring meeting, ECS holds its Annual Society Business Meeting and Luncheon (ASBM) to review the success and challenges of the past year and outline plans for the upcoming year. In addition, we invite a special speaker to address the ASBM attendees on a subject of importance to our community.

This year’s ASBM will be held as part of the 235th Meeting in Dallas, TX, on Tuesday, May 28, from 1200-1400h, and will feature a presentation on “Perspectives on the State of Science and Technology: Innovation and the Workforce of the Future,” given by Carol A. Bessel, the acting division director of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Chemistry. We are honored to have Dr. Bessel speak at this event and hope that you will join us! (more…)

Posted in Meetings

Congratulations to Edouard Asselin on winning the 2019 ECS Canada Section Lash Miller Award

The ECS Canada Section has four awards within the recognition program. The Canada Section W. Lash Miller Award was established in 1967 to recognize publications and/or excellence in the field of electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology. The recipient must have demonstrated independent research in academia, industry or governmental laboratories in the mentioned technical areas. The recipient will be a Canada resident who has obtained his/her last advanced education degree no more than 15 years before the year of the award. (more…)

Venkataraman Thangadurai, University of Calgary chemistry professor and associate head.

University of Calgary Chemistry Professor Venkataraman Thangadurai’s background in solid-state batteries, solid oxide fuel cells, proton conducting SOFCs, and gas sensors have made him a source for information over the years. Because of this, the longtime ECS and battery division member has been invited to present several presentations this spring.

International Battery Event

This March,  Thangadurai will speak at the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit taking place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The annual event showcases state of the art energy storage technology developments for consumer, automotive, military, and industrial applications, as well as offer attendees insights from guest speakers sharing their thoughts on significant material advancements, product development, manufacturing, and application of battery systems and enabling technologies.

ECS Biannual Meetings

Similar to the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit, ECS hosts biannual meetings on a broader scale, including a diverse number of topics in the electrochemical, solid state science, and technology field, of which Thangadurai has been a recurring speaker of.

In 2018, he attended AiMES as an invited guest speaker presenting his work, “Chemical and Electrochemical Stability of Fast Lithium Ion Conducting Garnet-Type Metal Oxides in H2o, Aqueous Solution, CO2, Li and S,” available in ECS Meeting Abstracts.


Deadline: April 19, 2019

ECS is seeking to fill the position of technical editor in electrochemical/electroless deposition for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES).

Nominees for this position must possess and maintain scientific knowledge of the scope of the electrochemical/electroless deposition topical interest area, which covers deposition of metals, oxides, semiconductors, nanostructures, and composite materials; nanofabrication; fundamental aspects of nucleation and growth; physical and mechanical aspects of deposits, including structure and internal stress; modeling; industrial plating and plating baths; leveling, accelerating, and suppressing agents.

The technical editor will be appointed for a minimum initial two-year term, renewable for additional terms, up to a maximum of 12 years total service in this role.


Write a Guest Post for ECS

Do you have an opinion you’d like to share? Do you have a story to share about what open access means to you? Or maybe you’ve published a paper with ECS and would like a platform to introduce your work and express the motives behind it?

Whatever the case …

We want to hear from you!

We’re accepting guest post submissions. Get creative and send your idea to Marketing@electrochem.org. Contributing posts may be featured in ECS newsletters and posted on all social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. (more…)

Posted in Guest Post

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Topic Close-up #13

Symposium F03: Electrochemical Conversion of Biomass 2

Symposium focus: This symposium will provide a forum to present applications, technology and recent developments in the area of electrochemical conversion of biomass. Of particular interest are topics related to electrochemical conversion of biomass to value-added chemicals and fuels of all kinds, and treatment of industrial waste. Presentations related to the development of electrocatalysts or other materials, as well as complete systems, for the electrochemical conversion of biomass are relevant. Kinetics and electrochemical conversion of biomass are also of interest. This topic will focus on electrochemical conversion of all forms of biomass, including, but not limited to, algae and lignocellulosic materials.

For additional information on this topic close-up and more, check out the full call for papers with all the 236th ECS Meeting topics being held in Atlanta, GA on October 13-17, 2019.

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) will celebrate its third annual Free the Science Week (April 1-7, 2019) by once again taking down the paywall to its entire online collection of published research. For the duration of the week, the ECS Digital Library, which contains over 151,000 scientific articles and abstracts, will be freely accessible to everyone.


Dennis Corrigan, chair of the ECS Detroit Section.

Dennis Corrigan’s connection to the ECS community came quite naturally. He had been an ECS member since the 1970s, and when he moved to Detroit to work at General Motors Research Laboratories in 1979, he was naturally inclined to become involved with the ECS Detroit Section.

“We had a very large Electrochemistry Department at GM Research Labs of over 60 people and most were active members of the Detroit section. They didn’t have to twist my arm too much to join,” laughed Corrigan, who today is the chair of the ECS Detroit Section.

The section meetings acted as a gateway for Corrigan to meet other electrochemists in the field with different areas of expertise. His passion for electrochemistry made it hard to resist.

“The section allowed me to figure out what was happening more generally than just at GM Research Labs,” said Corrigan, an adjunct mechanical engineering professor at Oakland University and founder and president of DC Energy Consulting, LLC.

The same of which is true today.

The ECS Detroit Section continues to draw in electrochemists from surrounding areas, including students from local universities, companies working on batteries and fuel cell technology, and countless startups targeting various kinds of electrochemical applications. (more…)

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Topic Close-up #12

Symposium A05: Lithium Ion Batteries

Symposium focus: Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become the technology of choice for rapidly growing markets of wearables, portable electronics, drones, and electric vehicles. This symposium is a forum for discussion on both fundamental and applied aspects of rechargeable Li-ion batteries. Specific areas to be covered include but are not limited to: (1) advanced anode design, characterization, and performance; (2) advanced cathode design, characterization and performance; (3) advanced electrolyte formulations; (4) novel electrode processing and cell design; (5) diagnostic techniques; (6) multiscale – material, electrode, and cell modeling; (7) performance characteristics of cells and battery packs; (8) recycling and life cycle analysis; (9) chemistries and features of future Li-ion batteries in transportation. (more…)

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Topic Close-up #11

Symposium G02: Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 15

Symposium focus: This symposium contains cutting edge research results on applications in Atomic Layer Processing, and will focus on a variety of applications of ALD and other atomic layer-by-layer processing (like etching and cleaning) in semiconductor CMOS (e.g. high-k oxides and metals for memories like Flash and 3D NAND, MIM, MIS capacitors), photovoltaics, energy storage and conversion, catalysis, optics and photonics, smart coatings of nanoporous materials, MLD and hybrid ALD/MLD, fundamentals of ALD processing: reaction mechanisms, in-situ measurement, modeling, theory, new precursors and delivery systems, optical and photonic applications, productivity enhancement, scale-up and commercialization of ALD equipment and processes for rigid and flexible substrates, including roll-to-roll deposition, spatial ALD, area-selective ALD, Atomic Layer Etching (‘reverse ALD’) and related topics aiming at self-limited etching. (more…)