Submit your manuscripts for the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) Focus Issue on Visible and Infrared Phosphor Research and Applications by July 29, 2017.
Rapid changes are taking place in the area of luminescent materials research from basic understanding to novel applications. This is due to the recent progresses in the area of phosphors for LED applications and the need for novel luminescent materials for applications in medical research as biosensors, solar cells, infrared sensors, and display technologies. These developments have led to new questions and new techniques related to basic research in the field of luminescence.
The main goal of this focus issue of the JSS is to provide a comprehensive picture of the current trends in research of phosphor emitting in the visible and IR regions.
Review and contributed papers are welcome in the following topics:
- White luminescence from nano particles
- Plasmonics
- Phosphor in glass
- Nitride phosphors
- Photonics
- Thermodynamics limit of light extraction
- CRT + electroluminescence
- Solar cells
- OLED / organic dyes
- Nanophosphors / medical application
- Synthesis methods for nitride
All papers published in this focus issue will be OPEN ACCESS at NO COST to the authors! *
Technical Editor:
Kailash C. Mishra
Osram Sylvania
Guest Editors:
John Collins
Wheaton College
Anant Setlur
GE Global Research
Alan Piquette
Osram Sylvania
The editors will also be engaging Alok Srivastava (GE Corporate Research) and Baldassare Di Bartolo (Boston College) as advisors for this issue.
Submission Deadline | July 29, 2017
(Be sure to specify your submission is for the JSS Focus Issue on Visible and Infrared Phosphor Research and Applications.)
Papers accepted for this focus issue are published online within 10 days of acceptance. The issue is created online an article at a time with the final article published in January 2018.
*ECS is waiving the article processing charge as part of the Society’s Free the Science initiative.
Find out more about ECS Journal Focus Issues and the ECS Free the Science initiative.