Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
May 1, 2015
Submit today!
Topic Close-up #1
SYMPOSIUM F03 Membrane-Based Electrochemical Separations
FOCUSED ON High or low temperature gas separations (e.g., H2, CO2, O2); Electrodialysis; Chlorine; production; water pollution remediation; other electrochemical separations
FEATURING Meilin Liu from School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology on Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Membranes for Gas Separations and Michael Stockades of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece on Electrolyte Membranes in Heterogeneous Catalysis.
Topic Close-up #2
SYMPOSIUM E04 Semiconductors, Metal Oxides and Composites: Metallization and Electrodeposition of Thin Films and Nanostructures
FOCUSED ON the electrodeposition of non-classical materials, electrodeposition onto non-classical substrates and/or using non-classical systems.
FEATURING James Dickerson of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory on Formation of Ordered Nanoparticle Films by Electrophoretic Deposition and Daniel Esposito from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University on Electrochemical processing of metal-insulator-semiconductor photo-electrodes.
SELECTED papers on the electrodeposition of exceptional material systems will be invited talk from the submitted abstracts.
Topic Close-up #3
SYMPOSIUM G03 Thermoelectric and Thermal Interface Materials 2
FOCUSED ON This symposium will address the most recent developments in thermoelectric and thermal interface materials and strategies for modern devices and applications. Topics are wide ranging and include: (1) Advanced thermoelectric and high ZT materials; (2) Advances in device processing of thermoelectric and thermal interface materials; (3) Phonon engineering and transport, and more.
FEATURING an “enhanced” edition of ECS Transactions available at the meeting.
Did You Know?
Students who submit an abstract are automatically eligible to win a $250 student poster award.
Important Dates
- Take advantage of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities.
Deadline: July 10, 2015. - Travel grants are available for student attendees and young professional (early career and faculty) attendees. Deadline: June 19, 2015.
The 228th ECS Meeting will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center and the Hyatt Regency. Scientists, engineers, and industry leaders come from around the world to attend the technical symposia, poster sessions, panel discussions, professional development workshops, networking, and the Electrochemical Energy Summit.
Full papers presented at ECS meetings will be published in ECS Transactions.