Intel may be known for microprocessors and long-time ECS member Gordon E. Moore, but now the company’s Edison technology is lending itself to something entirely different.
They call it the Spider Dress, and the innovation involved in making this product goes far beyond sheer aesthetic value.
The 3-D printed dress was created by Anouk Wipprecht and uses Intel’s Edison technology to power robotic spider legs surrounding the collar, designed to keep people out of your personal space.
The dress’s robotic arms are connected to proximity sensors, which will react when someone gets too close to the wearer of the dress. Further, the sensors use biometric signals to measure the wearer’s stress level, which allow the dress to respond based on your mood.
As to be expected from Intel technology, the dress has a slew of other electrochemical elements. Black shells with LEDs are embedded on the bodice to resemble the eyes of a spider, and use sensors in the same way as the arms to either flash warning signs or glow steadily in welcome based on the wearer’s mood.
“Edison allows me to integrate a super small piece of technology which can quickly compute complicated sets of signals, on-board storage and interconnect wirelessly to a lot of input data at once in a more advanced and intelligent way, to run my designs,” said Wipprecht.
P.S. You’re going to want to check out her Faraday Dress as well.
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[Sources: CNET & Popular Science]