Innovative device detects prostate cancer and kidney disease on the spot.
Credit: Brigham Young University
Scientists from Brigham Young University have developed a remarkably simple device that has the potential to save lives.
The innovative device, created by chemist Adam Woolley and his students, can detect prostate cancer and kidney disease on the spot, all by simply dropping a urine sample into a tiny tube and seeing how far it goes.
This from Brigham Young University:
The tube is lined with DNA sequences that will latch onto disease markers and nothing else. Urine from someone with a clean bill of health would flow freely through the tube (the farther, the better). But even at ultra-low concentrations, the DNA grabs enough markers to slow the flow and signal the presence of disease.
While this new study specifically looked at prostate cancer and kidney disease, the scientists believe that the same method could be used to make a diagnostic tool for other diseases.
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