Metasensor’s Sensor-1 is a personal security system for your portable goods.
Home security systems are great for protecting valuables inside your home and stopping attempted burglaries, but those systems aren’t very practical when you travel with your precious, portable property.
Metasensor has developed its new Sensor-1, which acts as a portable security system – changing the way we protect our belongings and track objects in general.
This from Popular Science:
Sensor-1 is a small, octagonal disk that contains an accelerometer, a gyroscopic stabilizer, and a magnetometer, which work together to track the orientation of the device it’s attached to in three dimensions. They alert Sensor-1 if the object has been moved, and how. It also has three LED lights, a small siren, and Bluetooth connectivity.
But that’s not even the best part of Sensor-1. Through new technology, Metasensor is able to track the path of an object armed with the sensor through 3D space using sensory data and special relationships to any other sensors.