Dr. Thalia Standish

Dr. Thalia Standish

Congratulations to Thalia Standish of the University of Western Ontario for receiving the 2021 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award. Each year, the division recognizes and rewards outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering. Such early recognition of highly qualified corrosion scientists and/or engineers is intended to encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field after their graduate research is completed.

Dr. Thalia Standish

Thalia Standish is a Research Scientist at Surface Science Western, where she conducts material analyses to advance academic research and help solve industrial problems. She received her PhD in Chemistry from Western University in 2019. Her graduate research focused on evaluating the galvanic corrosion behavior of copper-coated carbon steel for used nuclear fuel containers, using a combination of electrochemical techniques, x-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and surface analytical techniques. Dr. Standish is currently developing expertise in Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal analysis techniques, focusing on polymeric materials in particular. (more…)

Event information

Data-driven design and application of corrosion-resistant low-alloy steels 
Presenter: Xiaogang Li, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 0800h EST
CorroZoom website: https://fcc.osu.edu/corrozoom

*Attendees will be able to pick to listen either to Prof. Li speak in Chinese or to a simultaneous translation. Q&A will also use simultaneous translation*

You must register in advance for this webinar (registration is free) (more…)

New Corrosion Division Award

ECS Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence

Nominations are now being accepted for the new ECS Corrosion Division Rusty Award for Mid-Career Excellence. The award was established recently by the ECS Honors and Awards Program and Corrosion Division to recognize a mid-career scientist or engineer’s achievements and contributions to the field of corrosion science and technology.


A framed certificate; US $1,000 prize; and complimentary meeting registration are awarded to the recipient. The award is bestowed at the fall ECS biannual meeting; the recipient is expected to lecture on their research at a designated ECS Corrosion Division symposium during that meeting. Up to US $1,000 may be available to assist with travel expenses to facilitate attendance at the meeting. (more…)

Don’t miss the last webinar of CorroZoom Season 1: Molecular Modeling of Corrosion Inhibitors

Time and Date: June 9, 2021 at 0800h EST
Registration is free
Anton Kokalj
Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry
Jožef Stefan Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Posted in Webinars

Event information

Date: April 9, 2021
Time: 0800 Eastern US (see time chart below for other local times)
Register here (free for all): https://osu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9KynqrmbTY2teo2gPeLKzw
CorroZoom website: https://fcc.osu.edu/corrozoom

A Framework for Pitting Corrosion Based on Pit Growth Stability 
Gerald S. Frankel
Fontana Corrosion Center, The Ohio State University, USA (more…)

On February 10, 2021, The Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Reza Javaherdashti’s live webinar, “Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: Tips, Myths, Skills.” Dr. Javaherdashti is General Manager at Eninco Engineering B.V., The Netherlands. Below are Dr. Javaherdashti’s responses to questions asked in the Q&A session following his talk.

Dr. Javaherdashti has taught more than 5000 hours about electrochemical corrosion, corrosion management, and microbial corrosion to various industries worldwide. In this webinar, he discussed and explained the most important theoretical and practical aspects of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) and microbiologically influenced deterioration (MID) mechanisms and how industry practitioners can recognize them.

View Dr. Javaherdashti’s Webinar


Gerald Frankel, Ohio State University Professor and Journal of The Electrochemical Society Corrosion Science and Technology Technical Editor, is hosting CorroZoom, a webinar series focusing on corrosion science. The next webinar, “Corrosion of Additive Manufactured Materials” presented by Nick Birbilis, will take place on February 24, 2021, at 0800h EST.

CorroZoom Webinar
Corrosion of Additive Manufactured Materials
Nick Birbilis
Australian National University


A recent study warns that U.S. nuclear waste storage containers could corrode, according to Ohio State News.

On January 27, in the paper, “Self-accelerated corrosion of nuclear waste forms at material interfaces,” researchers reported that the “corrosion of nuclear waste storage materials accelerates because of changes in the chemistry of the nuclear waste solution, and because of the way the materials interact with one another,” risking harm to people and the surrounding environment. (more…)

ECS recently lost a devoted, accomplished member, and a cherished friend. Robert Frankenthal passed away on Wednesday, September 18.

Bob held many posts and positions within the Corrosion Division and the Society itself, serving as chair of Pittsburgh Section (1963–64), Corrosion Division chair (1980–1982), and ECS President (1993–1994). He also received numerous awards and honors, including winning the Corrosion Division H. H. Uhlig Award in 1989 and becoming a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society in 1995.

If you would like to learn more about Bob, please visit the page about him on the ECS website, which also includes a long-form interview Roque Calvo, former ECS Executive Director, conducted with him as part of the ECS Masters Series.


Focus Issue in Memory of Hugh Isaacs

Schematic representation of the gravimetric experimental setup for atmospheric H2 evolution measurements.

By: Gerald FrankelThe Ohio State University

(Note: Gerald Frankel is the Corrosion Science and Technology technical editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society.)

I found this paper, Real-Time Monitoring of Atmospheric Magnesium Alloy Corrosion, fascinating and truly innovative. Sanna Virtanen describes a method to make sensitive real-time measurements of the atmospheric corrosion of Mg.

This paper is also the first in the new focus issue on advanced experimental methods in memory of Hugh Isaacs. As such, like the other papers that will appear in that issue, it is open access. Note that submissions to this focus issue are still open.

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