By: Alice H. Suroviec, Berry College
Wolfram|Alpha is a computational search engine that uses an extensive collection of built-in data and algorithms to answer computation questions using a web-browser interface. It is a free website designed by the programmers behind the Mathematica software package.
NRELMatDB is a computational materials database that primarily contains information on materials for renewable energy applications such as photovoltaic materials, and materials for photo-electrochemical water splitting. This website is a growing collection of computed properties of stoichiometric and fully ordered materials. It is a very useful database for those needing comparative data.
NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
NSF Science360 News
This is a website hosted by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to gather breaking STEM news from a variety of sources including: directly from scientists, colleges and universities, dozens of science and engineering centers, and from peer-reviewed journals. It is a collection of video overviews, interviews, and articles. It is a great way to keep up with current topics in all areas of science.
National Science Foundation
About the Author
Alice Suroviec is an associate professor of bioanalytical chemistry and chair of the department of chemistry and biochemistry at Berry College. She earned a BS in chemistry from Allegheny College in 2000. She received her PhD from Virginia Tech in 2005 under the direction of Mark R. Anderson. Her research focuses on enzymatically modified electrodes for use as biosensors. She is currently the vice chair of the ECS Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division and an associate editor for the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry topical interest area in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.
This article was originally published in Interface.