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Submission Guidelines

Also available in PDF.

The mission of Interface is

  • to provide a forum for the lively exchange of ideas and news among members of ECS and the international scientific community at large;
  • to stimulate awareness of ECS as a leader on the technology frontiers through presentation of broad-based technical features and highlights from the field; and
  • to communicate ECS news, information, and activities to its members and the scientific community.

Issues often highlight one of the Society’s Divisions by presenting the state of the technology of that Division’s field, as well as featured articles on that subject area. These contributions should be coordinated through the Interface Advisory Board member of the appropriate Division. Other timely articles of general interest to Society members also may be contributed. Articles submitted to Interface should be written for a diversified scientific audience, with a broad introduction and wide scope so that newcomers to that particular field can understand the issues, and with enough depth that experts in the field will find the article interesting.

Each Division should appoint, to the Interface Advisory Board, a representative, whose duties include:

  • notifying the Division Executive Committee of decisions made by the Advisory Board;
  • organizing the materials/information necessary for the issue of Interface which features the Division; and
  • submitting to the Editor other technical and general information of related interest to the Division.

Using the following guidelines will improve and tailor articles for Interface.

Article titles should be short and eye-catching, and an abstract is not necessary. Articles should be no more than 3,000 words in length, with up to five figures and/or tables. Color for figures, photographs, and tables should be used where possible. Figures should be submitted in their original format, preferably as EPS or TIF files, NOT embedded in PowerPoint or word processing files. The figures should be at least 300 dpi in resolution. If complex equations are used, especially those prepared with special math editors, they should be saved as figure files. If the article includes tables, each table should be prepared as a separate Excel file, if at all possible. Distinguished, high-quality figures or photos are welcome and will be considered for use on the cover. The authors should provide a short statement showing their respective affiliations, positions, and e-mail. Please refer to articles in past issues of Interface for examples.

Authors must submit typed, double-spaced manuscripts and original figures. Articles should be submitted electronically to the editor at: In general, the Instructions to Authors for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society should be followed for manuscript preparation. There are no page charges for publication, nor payments for accepted articles or photographs. To be considered for a specific issue of Interface, articles must be submitted to the editor by the following deadlines.

Spring December 1
Summer March 1
Fall May 1
Winter August 15


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